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jo zábava s tim je ale když s tim skáčeš tak je to trochu hlučný :roll: takže vo hodině si moc neužiješ :?


Dear Rolex Replica Enthusiasts: This week's best replica site can become next week's nightmare. And this week's cheap Asian-made replica Rolex dealer can become next week's top Swiss-made replica dealer. Don't buy without consulting us, and don't you ever consider a one-time good transaction as everlasting. Things do change; a site can lose its supplier or merchant account, or eventually get sued. Watches-home.com does a weekly review of all sites and you can save hundreds of dollars and hours of your time just by consulting us each time you want to make a purchase. replica rolex watchReplica Rolex history of the development of its founder Hans - Wilsdorf (Hans Wilsdorf) closely linked to the name. Born in 1881 in the Bavarian city, a young man he set foot on international business. At the start of business for cultured pearls, 19-year-old UN-fen Ruishilaxia (La Chaux-de-Fonds), for a special export agent for the watch factory. In 1905, he founded his own business, Wilsdorf and Davis, is a leading company in charge of sales of watches, but he also developed self-made watches. At 8:00 on the July 2, 1908, Rolex (Rolex) Official registration of trademarks. Rolex table as a result of the first batch of its high technical quality and immediate attention. A small table in the 1914 Rolex has been Jiao Observatory (Kew Observatory) of the A-level certificate, which is well-known that Britain has never been awarded the Hong Kong Observatory had the highest evaluation. Its accuracy has been to recognize that this is a worldwide event, to make watches in Europe and the United States suddenly worth double. Since then, the quality that is representative of the Rolex precision. For the first time after World War Rolex move back to Geneva, the founder of encouragement, the Rolex innovative companies to create and perfect their own. Its research is two-fold: water-proof and automatically. In 1926, the first water-proof, dust-proof sheet finally come out, and this is the famous "Ho" (Oyster)-table. The 1929 economic crisis dealt a blow to Switzerland, Rolex, but not affected. During this period, it has invented an automatic mechanism for the chain, then create the popular "Constant action" (Perpetual)-type table. This table automatically have a place triad, never before used in watches, clocks and watches, it has brought a revolution, which is the pioneer of all forms automatically. In 1945, also produced a Rolex watch with a date, 26 languages and can show the date and form of the week. Andre - Heiniger Rolex carried forward in today's world renowned altar table, with Andre - Heiniger (Andre J. Heiniger) can not be separated from the inspiration and passion. Heiniger was born in 1921 in the fen La Xia, Hans - Wilsdorf first met him, on his rise to the full trust and sincere respect. They both love and human contact, the pursuit of perfect. Wilsdorf in 1948, Heiniger invited to join the Rolex work. He worked for six years in Buenos Aires, responsible for the development of the South American market. To return to Geneva in 1955, promoted to the rank of Rolex members of the board of directors, starting in 1964 to replace Rolex Wilsdorf become general manager of the company. He faithfully inherit the cause of the founder of Rolex, and continuously improve the quality and technological innovation, in order to bring about a new business atmosphere: internationalization. This decision is the first step in the corporate headquarters moved to downtown from the suburbs of a beautiful new building. Then, Heiniger started his expedition, traveled all over the world every corner, open up new markets. He has an alarming forecast, the decision on every continent in the establishment of branches in major cities, which at that time was a pioneering undertaking. Heiniger during his term of office has set up the spirit of the Rolex Award for Enterprise, which awarded a prize every three years, the reward in the application of science, invention, exploration, scientific discovery and environmental protection has made an outstanding contribution. replica rolex watch from the current Patrick - Heiniger (Patrick Heiniger) as general manager, Patrick - Rolex Heiniger in the "family" grew up loving the traditional enterprise, he has served as the company's Rolex 10-year lawyers And subsequently was appointed business manager, the general manager level, and so on. replica rolex watch World Headquarters from the 60s to start planning the expansion project, completed in 1995, which is more than 80 years to create, innovative and progressive signs, and it is the leaders of the importance of entrepreneurship to match the mark. Rolex watch all the staff for a common goal to work hard, Rolex is continuing to carry forward its tradition of the world in Geneva and continue to serve high-quality watches. Founder: Hans - Wilsdorf Age: 1905 Country: Switzerland Their bodies: Wilsdorf and Davis


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  neo.a napsal:
pro heelflip a těžší triky jako je nollie kickflip a heelflip a třeba jako trik nollie 360flip to nosegrind který se mi povede málokdy nebo jen prostě pro nollie switch ollie:Dumim všechny triky:) ale ne všechny na grind/slide
nollie umim jen se snobstyle:)ta mám concave jak kráva:D proto to de upe v poho a nollie flipy taky,ale normal flipy se mi dělaj líp s fingou,ještě musim dopylovat hellflip
  palos napsal:
podle mě je napřed nejlepší se to naučit na tech decku a pak pohoda na všech deskách:wohow:
nejelpší je se to naučit na desce, kterou pak budeš mít pořát(třeba si můžeš koupit i jinou,ale myslim stejnej typ) ptž jezdit na tech decku a třeba snobstyle je upe něco jinýho,když sem měl poprvní v ruce(prstech) fingu,dělalo mi problém hlavně její délka oproti tech decku, jde o zvyk:)

no tak zaprvé jakej máš rail protože mě třeba při fakie ollie kickflip to 50-50 na kulatém railu mi to hodné ustřelí a odletí pryč protože to má furt tu tendenci se přetočit a kulatej rail mu to svým způsobem ulehčí a já pak dopadnu třeba na hranu fingru a odletí mi ale na hraně tam to nemá takovou tendenci a dám to líp takže tam de i o to a 2. věc je musíš za 1 umět zastavit při protočení za 2. musíš mít tu přesnost aby si to dal na ten rail a ještě stihl zatlačit na patku dřeva o to tam taky hodně hraje jinak nevím čím to může být

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