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PSPUpdates.qj.net (EN) - Hot Brain: Fire up your mind - meet Prof. Fred Warmer


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As the brain training titles for the DS pile up, the PSP contender, Hot Brain from Midway Games is shaping up to give our minds a bit of a workout. Now meet your future mentor and guide, Professor Fred Warmer.

The guide is voiced by Fred Willard (Anchorman and American Wedding) and judging from the dialogue the character seems a lot more interesting. According to him, "Losing your memory does have a bright side... You keep meeting new people." In the trailer, the Hot Brain categories are shown: logic, memory, math, language, and concentration. Fred Willard also gives some tips for gameplay plus the different gameplay modes.

Hot Brain for the PSP is slated for a summer release. In the meantime, enjoy the trailer and prepare to get your brains smokin' hot.


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