Zdravim, dneska sem patchoval hru WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2009 programem ABGx360 a hodilo mi to ne chybu, ale takový žlutý text (CAUTION: This SS contains a value <angle 359> that will cause older version of iExtreme to return a detectable bad response! Make sure your drive is flashed with iXtreme version 1.4 or newer. Alternatively, you may enable the option to adjust angle 359 for compabiliti with iXtreme < v1.4 ), tak se chci zeptat co to znamena, mam FW iExtreme 1.6, bude hra šlapat normal, když ji vypálim?
Zdravim, dneska sem patchoval hru WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2009 programem ABGx360 a hodilo mi to ne chybu, ale takový žlutý text (CAUTION: This SS contains a value <angle 359> that will cause older version of iExtreme to return a detectable bad response! Make sure your drive is flashed with iXtreme version 1.4 or newer. Alternatively, you may enable the option to adjust angle 359 for compabiliti with iXtreme < v1.4 ), tak se chci zeptat co to znamena, mam FW iExtreme 1.6, bude hra šlapat normal, když ji vypálim?
Díky za odpovědi, Dede. :)
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