elment Odesláno Květen 18, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 18, 2006 Autorovi DAX ZISO se povedla chybka pri konverzi a tak tu je dalsi opravena verze rady 6 a to 0.62. Stahujte na homepage projektu - http://dax.psp-tuts.net/. Specialne vytvorene pozadi z her do menu naleznete zde. Behem dneska ci zitrka misto nejakeho navodu pripravim specialni edici pro zacatecniky typu rozbal na flash a hrej.
Malcolm. Odesláno Květen 18, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 18, 2006 proc zakladas nove forum kdyz uz sou tu aspon 3 aktivni? :wink: :roll:
elment Odesláno Květen 21, 2006 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 21, 2006 Protoze chybi vyslovene informacni forum, kde se neresi off-topic veci.
Wakusol Odesláno Květen 21, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 21, 2006 nejlepší pro začátečníky je http://www.pspiso.com/index.php?topic=1512.0 tady najdete ve spodku prvního příspěvku all in one loader, je tam vše co potřebujete ke hraní iso a iso dax her...
shadow.wizard Odesláno Květen 22, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 22, 2006 Neviete kde by sa dali zohnat BACKPIC na DAX?
shadow.wizard Odesláno Květen 23, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 23, 2006 Uz nemusite uz som ich nasiel ale taktiez sa hodi aktulny COMPATIBILITE LIST na DAXZISO 0.62 ** Games working with 'Direct LoadExec' ** RAM Table Allocation OFF Championship Manager (Can use 222mhz) Darkstalkers Chronicles: The Chaos Tower (Boot.bin off) Death Jr Everybody's Golf FIFA Soccer 2005 [USA] Gripshift Legend Of Heroes [USA] Madden NFL 2006 [USA] MediEvil - Resurrection Midnight Club 3 - DUB Edition Midway Arcade Treasures Extended Play (Run at 333mhz) NFL Street 2 Unleashed Prince Of Persia Revelations Pro Evolution Soccer 5 Pursuit Force [EUR] Ridge Racer Tales Of Eternia [EUR] Tenchu The Con The Hustle Tiger Woods Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 [USA] TOCA Race Driver 2 - Ultimate Racing Simulator Untold Legends V8 Supercars Australia 2 Virtua Tennis - World Tour Winning Eleven 9 RAM Table Allocation ON Ape Academy (EUR) Ape Escape On The Loose [USA] Armored Core Formula Front Extreme Battle [USA] ATV Offroad Fury [USA] Bleach Heat The Soul Bleach Heat The Soul 2 Burnout Legends Crash Tag Team Racing Dead To Rights - Reckoning Dynasty Warriors F1 Grand Prix Fifa 2006 Fired Up Frantix Frogger Helmet Chaos Gretzky NHL Gretzky NHL 2006 [USA] Guilty Gear X Gundam Battle Tactics [JAP] Harry Potter Goblet Of Fire [USA] Hot Shots Golf Open Tee [USA] Infected Kao Challengers Kingdom Of Paradise [USA] Lumines Marvel Nemesis Mercury Metal Gear Acid [EUR] Minna No Golf [including Coca Cola Edition] (Boot.bin off) MLB: The Show [USA] MVP Baseball [USA] Namco Museum NBA 2005 [USA] NBA Live 06 [USA] NBA Street Showdown [USA] Need For Speed Most Wanted NFSU Rivals Nouryoku Trainer Portable [JAP] Panic Bomber Pinball PoPoLoCrois [USA] Puyo Puyo Fever [JAP] Puzzle Bobble [JAP] Rengoku [USA] (May need DevHook Evolved) Smart Bomb [USA] Space Invaders Galaxy Beat [JAP] Space Invaders Pocket [JAP] Spider-Man 2 SSX On Tour Star Soldier Star Wars Battlefront II Tony Hawks Underground 2 Remix [USA] Twisted Metal - Head-On Ultimate Block Party Untold Legends Brotherhood Of The Blade [USA] Vampire Chronicle Wipeout Pure World Series Of Poker [USA] World Snooker Challenge 2005 X-Men Legends II Rise of Apocolypse [USA] ** Games working with 'RUNUMD LoadExec' ** RAM Table Allocation ON 007 From Russia With Love [USA] - NC on for video & audio Bomberman Bakufuu Sentai Bomeber Bust A Move Deluxe [EUR] - NC on for video & audio Cabelas Dangerous Hunts Ultimate Challenge [USA] - Use 007 PRXs - NC on for video & audio Coded Arms - Use Y's Ark PRXs Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai Exit Generation of Chaos [USA] Genso Suikoden 1 & 2 Go Sudoku Gradius Portable [JAP] - Use fixpack PRXs - NC on for video & audio Hayarigami Portable Kinnikum Wrestling [JAP] Lemmings (Retail) [EUR] - Use sound PPF patch - NC on for video & audio Mai HIME Bakuretsu [JAP] - Use fixpack PRXs Mega Man Powered Up Megaman Maverick Hunter Metal Gear Solid Acid 2 Minna no Chizu [JAP] Namco Museum V2 (Jap) [JAP] - Use Metal Gear Acid PRXs Naruto Nultimate Portable [JAP] - Use Beithell 2000 PRXs - NC on for video & audio NBA 06 [USA] Pacman World 3 Puyo Pop Fever [EUR] - Decrypt and replace PRXs Practical Intelligence Quotient Samurai Warriors Shanghai [JAP] Shin Sangoku Musou 2nd Evolution SOCOM - Fire Team Bravo Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX [USA] - Saving does not work - NC on for video & audio The Dog: Happy Life - Use PPF patch Tokobot Untold Legends 2 The Warriors Code [USA] - NC on for video & audio Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble [USA] World Rally Championship - NC on for video & audio Worms [EUR] - NC on for video & audio XI - CJ Y's Ark of Nephistim [USA] RAM Table Allocation Off Championship Manager 2006 [EUR] - (RAM On works without sound) Daxter DTM Race Driver 2 - Use Star Wars BFII PRXs Football Manager GTA: LCS - Works with CheatDevice - CRASHES AFTER A FEW MINUTES - Use MPHGL MLB 06: The Show Monster Hunter Freedom Syphon Filter Dark Mirror [USA] - Use fixpack PRXs - NC on for video & audio Viewtiful Joe: Battle Carnival World Championship Poker 2 [USA] ** Games working with 'MPHGL LoadExec' ** GTA: LCS - RAM On MX vs ATV Unleashed On The Edge [EUR/USA] - RAM Off NBA Ballers - RAM Off ** Non-working DAX games ** Colin McRae 2005 [EUR] DJMax Portable [KOR] Ghost In The Shell [JAP/USA] Key of Heaven Lord Of The Rings Tactics [USA] ** Non-working ISO games ** These games do not work with any loader yet. Capcom Classics Collection Remixed [USA] Comic Party Portable [JAP] Daikoukaijidai IV Rota Nova [JAP] Densha de Go! Pocket: Osaka Kanjousen Hen [JAP] Eyeshield 21 Portable Edition [JAP] Fifa Street 2 [EUR] Gamble Con Fight [JAP] Harvest Moon/Shin Bokojou: Innocent Life [JAP] Initial D Street Stage [JAP] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball Portable [JAP] Me and My Katamari [JAP/USA] MLB 2K6 [USA] Mobile Train Simulator K.M.A.K.L [JAP] Mutajuice [KOR] Nakahara no Hasha Sagoku Shouseiden [JAP] Neopets Petpet Adventures The Wand of Wishing [JAP] Nobunaga no Yabou Reppuuden with Power Up Kit [JAP] Ooedo Senryoubako [JAP] Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast [Any] Peter Jackson's King Kong [USA] - EUR works Pinball Hall of Fame (Gottlieb Classics) [USA] Piposaru Academia 2 [JAP] Pursuit Force [JAP] - EUR/USA works Sakura Taisen 1 and 2 [JAP] Shin Sangoku Musou 2nd Evolution [JAP] Simple 2500 Series Portable Volumes 1 and 2 - The Table Game [JAP] Splinter Cell: Essentials [Any] Street Fighter Zero: Double Upper [JAP] Street Riders [EUR] Street Supremacy [JAP] Talkman [JAP] The Sims 2 [Any] Vulcanus Seek and Destory [KOR] WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 [Any]
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