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Dalsi hra, na kterou se velice tesim uz po prvnim infu! Nova detektivka od tvurcu dokonale Gyakuten Saiban serie (Ace Attorney / Phoenix Wright).

New game by Gyakuten Saiban creator


Capcom has announced Ghost Trick, a mystery adventure game for the DS slated for release in 2010. The game is being directed by Takumi Shuu, the creator of the Gyakuten Saiban series.

The game is about somebody who was shot dead and has come back as a spirit with special powers. As a spirit he has lost his memory and tries to find out who he is and why he was killed, and he only has a few hours left before he disappears.

As a spirit he apparently has to keep saving this police lady detective who was the only eye witness for his death, and there is an extremely short sighted assassin who is really good at sniping at close range after her life.

Capcom announces Ghost Trick from Ace Attorney creator

With the Ace Attorney series largely behind us, where can we turn for quirky DS mystery titles? Well, why not stick with Takumi Shuu, the director of the series, for his new title Ghost Trick. Just announced by Capcom in the latest issue of Famitsu, the title is slated for a 2010 release, according to Canned Dogs.

The main character, Sissel, is dead. Somebody shot him. Yet his spirit has come back from the dead to try and solve the case! Equipped with special powers, the only problem is that he doesn't quite remember everything that happened before he died. He's only got a few hours to live, and so he's got to solve the case quickly and keep the detective alive who's working on his case.

I'm sure we'll get more details as the game draws closer to its release date -- and Capcom will likely have some more information when we hit the show floor at Tokyo Game Show. We just have to liquor them up a bit. You can check out the scans from Famitsu down in the gallery to get an idea of what the art will look like.

zdroje: zepy.momotato.com , japanator.com

Famitsu scan 1: http://zepy.momotato.com/img/0909/ghost1.jpg

Famitsu scan 2: http://zepy.momotato.com/img/0909/ghost2.jpg

Uz at je to tady! :cheesygrin:

  • 1 year later...

Vypada to celkem dobre, bal jsem se po demu, ze to bude strasne jednoduche (proste pospojovat, co se zrovna nabizi a hotovo), ale zkusil jsem to do treti mise (realne druhe, kde se neco deje) a prekvapilo me, ze pak uz to tak jednoduche neni, je hodne moznosti a musi se udelat ve spravnem poradi. Snad to bude mit i dobry pribeh.

  • 3 weeks later...

tak budu asi jediny koho to nechytlo :)

dal jsem tomu par sanci, kdyz uz jsem nevedel co hrat. ale to intro me vzdycky unavilo, tak jsem to vypnul. nakonec jsem se jednou prokousal teda i pres tutorial a zasekl jsem se na tom ze jsem se nemohl nejak dostat nahoru. blbnul jsem tam s vetrakem a vlajkou a proste mrtvy bod. tak jsem to vypnul uz natrvalo. pokud ta hra nedokaze zaujmout behem par minut, je to spatne...


Tak jsem to dohral. Uzasny konec uzasneho pribehu :)

Nicmene chapu ze kazdeho bavi jine hry. Tady by se dalo rict, ze pokud je clovek fanouskem a hracem Phoenixe Wrighta, tak je to hra pro nej. Ze zacatku se to muze zdat zmatene kvuli samotnemu vysvetlovani principu hrani a "ghost powers"

Robot2037: Staci pustit mixer zaroven s vetrakem a skocit na vlajku. Jinak to jsi tomu opravdu moc nedal ;-) Tenhle "ukol" je snad v pate minute hrani.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ahoj, uz jsem zkousel 2 verze teto hry ale u kazde mam clkem zasadni problem...Nejosu texty ve hre :) Kdyz zacnou prvni bublinkove rozhovory tak jsou prazdne, kdyz si chci v menu vybrat jazyk tak ty kolonky jsou taky prazdne...

Mam Acekard 2i s nejnovejsim FW...

Mel taky nekado takovy problem?Nehodil by me nekdo odkaz na funkcni verzi do zpravy nebo sem?

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