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[if you don't have CWCheat Installed in your PSP]

1.Download these files from






2. Extract and copy the Seplugins folder in the root of your memory stick.

[Replace the older one]

3. Disconnect your PSP and Take the battery out and insert it back again.

4. Start your PSP pressing 'R' and it should take you to the recovery menu.

5. Go to 'Plugins' and Enable/Activate all the plugins by going on them and pressing 'X' only 1 time (Pressing again will agan disable them).

6. Start the 'Loco Roco Midnight Carnival' Game from your PSP.

7. Select the language and go to 'New Game'

8. (Tricky Part) One you reach this screen, press select for 3-5 seconds and and black menu should come up. Go to 'select cheats' and press 'X' on the level you want to play [select only one level, else it will hang you PSP]

9. Press 'O' ONLY ONE TIME and Press 'X' one 'Enable Cheat' option in the black Menu.

10. Press 'O' and Press 'X' and woot! you'll be in that level.


Zkuste sem ve škole. ;)

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