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Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars PSP a nicky v Social Clubu

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Taky jsem to zrovna moc nepochopil, ale moje teorie je ze to mysleji asi tak, ze

[b]Online Co-Op:[/b][color=green]Yes[/color]
[b]Number of Players Online: [/b]0 Players

Znamena ze tam infrastrukture rezim je (jenze 0 hracu coz znamena ze se nehraje), ale slouzi jen k uz zminovanim vecem.

A pak tam je prave:

[b]LAN or System Link: [/b][color=green]Yes[/color]
[b]Number of Players via LAN or System link: [/b]2 Player

a to prave znamena normalni hrani pres zminovany AD-HOC rezim.

Verdikt je ze tam normalni hra po netu proste neni (coz je velka skoda).


hej mě nejde spojit si social klub s PSN ... napíše to sorry a jakýsi kecy :D no a kontroloval sem to už milionkrát ... ale nejde mi se přihlásit ani na PSP píše to že mám jít do nastavení nebo něco tak ale na PC to de se přihlásit na PSN. poraďte prosím ...

EDIT : píše to že musím nějak propojit PSP s kompem a ono si to stáhne data ... a když se chcu připojit na PSP k PSN tak mi to napíše že mám blbý systém ...

za vyřešení problému dám komukoliv 200cr a THX :D

hej mě nejde spojit si social klub s PSN ... napíše to sorry a jakýsi kecy :D no a kontroloval sem to už milionkrát ... ale nejde mi se přihlásit ani na PSP píše to že mám jít do nastavení nebo něco tak ale na PC to de se přihlásit na PSN. poraďte prosím ...

EDIT : píše to že musím nějak propojit PSP s kompem a ono si to stáhne data ... a když se chcu připojit na PSP k PSN tak mi to napíše že mám blbý systém ...

za vyřešení problému dám komukoliv 200cr a THX :D

PSN k Social Clubu nepotřebuješ jen se registruješ na social clubu ( https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/ ) a pak dáš v PDA ve hře Friend Roster tam zmáčkneš čtvereček úplně dole dáš Account Details tam dáš údaje co s dal v registraci (email, heslo) a pak už se připojíš normálně přes wifi (Pozor na firmwarech 5.50 GEN-C a 5.50 GEN-D blbne wifi ale na aktulizaci 5.50 GEN-D2 už jde v pohodě)

PSN k Social Clubu nepotřebuješ jen se registruješ na social clubu ( https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/ ) a pak dáš v PDA ve hře Friend Roster tam zmáčkneš čtvereček úplně dole dáš Account Details tam dáš údaje co s dal v registraci (email, heslo) a pak už se připojíš normálně přes wifi (Pozor na firmwarech 5.50 GEN-C a 5.50 GEN-D blbne wifi ale na aktulizaci 5.50 GEN-D2 už jde v pohodě)

ok zkusím a jestli to pude pošlu odměnu .


zdarec tak som si skúšal poslať znova overenie emailu a napíše toto:

"Your Social Club account was created successfully. Please check the email account you used to register and look for an email from us. You will need to visit the link provided within the message to activate your account and be able to login.     If you do not see an email from us within a few minutes, please check your junk or spam folders as the message may have been filtered. If you suspect that you have not received the message at all, please click here to have the activation link resent."]Your Social Club account was created successfully. Please check the email account you used to register and look for an email from us. You will need to visit the link provided within the message to activate your account and be able to login.     If you do not see an email from us within a few minutes, please check your junk or spam folders as the message may have been filtered. If you suspect that you have not received the message at all, please click here to have the activation link resent.

a ten email mi furt neprichádza ... :( :( neviete ako na to?

zdarec tak som si skúšal poslať znova overenie emailu a napíše toto:

"Your Social Club account was created successfully. Please check the email account you used to register and look for an email from us. You will need to visit the link provided within the message to activate your account and be able to login.     If you do not see an email from us within a few minutes, please check your junk or spam folders as the message may have been filtered. If you suspect that you have not received the message at all, please click here to have the activation link resent."]Your Social Club account was created successfully. Please check the email account you used to register and look for an email from us. You will need to visit the link provided within the message to activate your account and be able to login.     If you do not see an email from us within a few minutes, please check your junk or spam folders as the message may have been filtered. If you suspect that you have not received the message at all, please click here to have the activation link resent.

a ten email mi furt neprichádza ... :( :( neviete ako na to?

no tak dej ať ti ten mail pošlou znova :D nebo jestli to fakt nejde zkus jinej mail ...

zdarec tak som si skúšal poslať znova overenie emailu a napíše toto:

"Your Social Club account was created successfully. Please check the email account you used to register and look for an email from us. You will need to visit the link provided within the message to activate your account and be able to login.     If you do not see an email from us within a few minutes, please check your junk or spam folders as the message may have been filtered. If you suspect that you have not received the message at all, please click here to have the activation link resent."]Your Social Club account was created successfully. Please check the email account you used to register and look for an email from us. You will need to visit the link provided within the message to activate your account and be able to login.     If you do not see an email from us within a few minutes, please check your junk or spam folders as the message may have been filtered. If you suspect that you have not received the message at all, please click here to have the activation link resent.

a ten email mi furt neprichádza ... :( :( neviete ako na to?

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