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MS zabanovali 1M uctu


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From pinoycosplay.blogspot.com:

A conversation with a friend who works for a call center that handles an Xbox 360 account has yielded a disturbing truth: Microsoft has started its annual Xbox Live banning spree and it has disabled 600,000 accounts so far in the US and Canada.

The target of the banning spree are mainly people who have modified their consoles to play pirated games. My trusty source says that they have been given instructions to push for a million banned accounts by the time the holidays are over.

Note: This is just a rumour and there's no real way to check or confirm this kinda information. But it points out an interesting discussion, how many consoles do you think MS banned? The site claims 600k are banned already just in US and CA. If we know MS sold about 19M consoles in that region to-date it would mean they already banned about 3.16% of their user-base ...

News-Source: pinoycosplay.blogspot.com

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Apparently its possible for microsuck to detect modded xboxs. Don't know how but it doesn't matter if you dont play the games early or after the release date, you will be banned. C4EVA is now working on a Firmware patch that should take care of this but in the meantime nobody is safe. It is recommended to stay away from XBL if you have Firmware iX1.61 or lower. C4EVA is working on new FW for Liteon drives with the rest following. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tak si ctu co psal ten typek z microsoftu a docela zajimave (jde o pripad ze mu volali desitky lidi v noci a vyhrozovali mu ze ho zabiji i zenu a psi, psal to nekdo v chatboxu zaznam hovoru http://paste2.org/p/506565 )

[00:54] <+Stepto01> HDD from banned to unbanned is ok, but you might have to reformat to get full access to licenses

Tzn HDD lze volne pouzit (=prodat) :-)

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ted sem to dočet a chtěl to sem hodit:cheesygrin: Kdo by řekl jak nevděčná je práce ředitele "strategie a vymáhání práva na Xbox LIVE" Skoro stejně blbý jako bejt fízl. Jestli sem to správně pochopil tak tam říká něco o tom že by to bannovaní klidně zastavil ,kdyby to bylo na něm a že dělá jen svou práci.Mohl aspoň něco prozradit srábek.

A jestli MS implementujou nejak ten BAN system do dashboardu, ze by se nainstaloval dashboard treba z DVD s hrou a dokazalo by to zabanovat offline,tak ať si koupí neprůstřelnou vestu.

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Apparently its possible for microsuck to detect modded xboxs. Don't know how but it doesn't matter if you dont play the games early or after the release date, you will be banned. C4EVA is now working on a Firmware patch that should take care of this but in the meantime nobody is safe. It is recommended to stay away from XBL if you have Firmware iX1.61 or lower. C4EVA is working on new FW for Liteon drives with the rest following. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

prosimte tohle je zase nejakej blbabol, kterej nekdo napsal a ty si ho sem zkopiroval.... c4eva moemntalne nic takovyho nenapsal, jediny co napsal je toto:

>> C4Eva announced he's working on a new firmware on IRC:

"[c4eva] new fw in dev/test - ixtreme LT (Lite Touch) - more efficient , minimal patching , all aspects of fw indistinguisable from orig, no more bans, No ETA!"


As far as we know the 3 'test boxes' C4Eva has running (see here) are still fine (not banned).

So there's NO ETA for the firmware yet (dont ask) but it should come out for Lite-On drives first.

... takze zatim nikdo stale nevi podle ceho davaj ban.... osobne si mylsim ze z 95% je to debilita uzivatelu - tech 5% bude uz neco jinyho :)

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