johny911 Odesláno Prosinec 3, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Prosinec 3, 2009 Zdravim ja moc s abgx neumim tak jestli by jste my mohl nekdo pomoci byl bych moc vdecny abgx360.dat 100% [================================>] 500 abgx360.dat was downloaded successfully C:\Documents and Settings\HonzÝk\Plocha\tekken 6\IMAGE.dvd is valid Checking Game ISO: "C:\Documents and Settings\HonzÝk\Plocha\tekken 6\IMAGE.iso" Size: 7838695424 bytes (SplitVid 3rd or 4th wave) Files in ISO: 45, Folders in ISO: 1 Total bytes used: 7086849376 (97.10%) Game appears to have random padding Checking default.xex Original PE Filename: 360.exe Original PE Timestamp: 2009/09/23 13:26:54 Game Name: TEKKEN 6 Developer: NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. Publisher: NBGA/NBGE Genre: Game - Fighting No Avatar Awards Achievements: 50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore XEX CRC = 2382B6C7 XEX Media ID: 76FEB70D9A7616F3FADCF177-2087A9ED Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF Region Free! Checking SS Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/24 00:00:00 Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/09/26 02:33:35 SS Version: 2 (trusted) SS CRC = B16FFF7B (RawSS = 0DD312D1) SS Media ID: 76FEB70D9A7616F3FADCF177-2087A9ED (matches game) SS looks valid Checking DMI Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/24 00:00:00 (matches SS) DMI CRC = 70B77FEF DMI Media ID: 76FEB70D9A7616F3FADCF177-2087A9ED (matches game) DMI looks valid Checking PFI PFI CRC = 2A4CCBD3 PFI is incorrect based on the date this game was authored (should have matched 4th wave) Video partition found Video CRC = 0E58FB9D (V0 = CF942E7B, V1 = 4809B37A) Video partition is incorrect based on the date this game was authored (should have matched 4th wave) Stealth check failed! Starting AutoFix Looking for B16FFF7B2382B6C7.ini in the online verified database Downloading B16FFF7B2382B6C7.ini 100% [================================>] 337 B16FFF7B2382B6C7.ini was downloaded successfully Using B16FFF7B2382B6C7.ini (337 bytes) Looking for PFI_05C6C409.bin in the online verified database Downloading PFI_05C6C409.bin 100% [================================>] 2,048 PFI_05C6C409.bin was downloaded successfully Verifying PFI_05C6C409.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix Checking PFI PFI CRC = 05C6C409 PFI matches known data (4th wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 [Hitachi only], v1.6 [using activation disc], v1.61 or later) Failed to find or open 'Video_1914211B.iso' (No such file or directory) This is a very large video partition that isn't hosted on the database... You will have to find it elsewhere and put it in your StealthFiles folder AutoFix Failed! Press any key to exit . . . Citovat
Zdravim ja moc s abgx neumim tak jestli by jste my mohl nekdo pomoci byl bych moc vdecny abgx360.dat
100% [================================>] 500
abgx360.dat was downloaded successfully
C:\Documents and Settings\HonzÝk\Plocha\tekken 6\IMAGE.dvd is valid
Checking Game
ISO: "C:\Documents and Settings\HonzÝk\Plocha\tekken 6\IMAGE.iso"
Size: 7838695424 bytes (SplitVid 3rd or 4th wave)
Files in ISO: 45, Folders in ISO: 1
Total bytes used: 7086849376 (97.10%)
Game appears to have random padding
Checking default.xex
Original PE Filename: 360.exe
Original PE Timestamp: 2009/09/23 13:26:54
Game Name: TEKKEN 6
Developer: NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc.
Publisher: NBGA/NBGE
Genre: Game - Fighting
No Avatar Awards
Achievements: 50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
XEX CRC = 2382B6C7
XEX Media ID: 76FEB70D9A7616F3FADCF177-2087A9ED
Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
Region Free!
Checking SS
Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/24 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/09/26 02:33:35
SS Version: 2 (trusted)
SS CRC = B16FFF7B (RawSS = 0DD312D1)
SS Media ID: 76FEB70D9A7616F3FADCF177-2087A9ED (matches game)
SS looks valid
Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/24 00:00:00 (matches SS)
DMI Media ID: 76FEB70D9A7616F3FADCF177-2087A9ED (matches game)
DMI looks valid
Checking PFI
PFI is incorrect based on the date this game was authored (should have matched
4th wave)
Video partition found
Video CRC = 0E58FB9D (V0 = CF942E7B, V1 = 4809B37A)
Video partition is incorrect based on the date this game was authored (should
have matched 4th wave)
Stealth check failed!
Starting AutoFix
Looking for B16FFF7B2382B6C7.ini in the online verified database
Downloading B16FFF7B2382B6C7.ini
100% [================================>] 337
B16FFF7B2382B6C7.ini was downloaded successfully
Using B16FFF7B2382B6C7.ini (337 bytes)
Looking for PFI_05C6C409.bin in the online verified database
Downloading PFI_05C6C409.bin
100% [================================>] 2,048
PFI_05C6C409.bin was downloaded successfully
Verifying PFI_05C6C409.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix
Checking PFI
PFI CRC = 05C6C409
PFI matches known data (4th wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 [Hitachi only],
v1.6 [using activation disc], v1.61 or later)
Failed to find or open 'Video_1914211B.iso' (No such file or directory)
This is a very large video partition that isn't hosted on the database...
You will have to find it elsewhere and put it in your StealthFiles folder
AutoFix Failed!
Press any key to exit . . .
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