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Hacknutí XBOXU pro hraní XBLA ???

Liquid Scale

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Zdravím , tak prý je způsob jak rozjet XBLA hry ......dokonce se dají bez problému už stáhnout na netu ...ale prý je potřeba jakýsi patchnutý dash.....Je někdo schopný to popsat blíže ??? Jak to udělat nebo , jestli to nějaký flasher umí ??? ..Díky moc:)

PS: ty programy jsou Freeboot a XBReboot

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čtu tam slovo prý .... hele a víš že prý roku 2012 všichni zemřem? :D

co vím tak bylo cca snad pět her co se dali odrbat, ale o tom, že by šli všechny hry.....o tom nic nevím

Tak dobře ..přidávám slovo určitě !!! ...na bt.xbox-sky jsou ty dva programy , které patchnou dash .....jen, nevím jak to udělat .........ale na xbox-sky je už asi 40 XBLA her včetně Shadow Complex a taky třeba Prince Of Persia Classic nebo Trials HD

Dávám př. hry s XBLA


XBL Date: 08/19/09

Release Date: 12/08/09

Platform: XBOX 360 (XBox Live Arcade)

Region: North America

Publisher: Epic Games

Genre: Shooter

Size: 59x15mb


This is the full game, for use on hacked XBox 360s (using

your favorite patched dash method, FreeBOOT, XBReboot, etc)

This will NOT work on a standard XBox360 and could get you

flagged for ban if you attempt using it

Installation Notes:

Extract contents, copy top folder to HDD using your favorite

HDD tool to the following location:

Partition 3 / Content / 0000000000000000

Boot to patched dash, goto Game Library, and enjoy!

Tak co hecne to někdo ??

Jinak vím, že to je North America....dal jsem to tu jen jako příklad ...u některých je PAL

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Víš, jedna bába říkala... proč musí lidí věřit všemu co uslyší, přečtou nebo uvidí na YouTube? Je to blbost a jak už psal xDante1986, byli to asi 4 hry. A proč není nikde návod? Protože je to blbost, blbost na který ten dotičnej akorád přitáhne lidi či sledovanost.

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Víš, jedna bába říkala... proč musí lidí věřit všemu co uslyší, přečtou nebo uvidí na YouTube? Je to blbost a jak už psal xDante1986, byli to asi 4 hry. A proč není nikde návod? Protože je to blbost, blbost na který ten dotičnej akorád přitáhne lidi či sledovanost.

Tak asi to úplná blbost není , když to je na nejlepším private trackeru o XBOXU ne??? .....Asi tam ty hry nedávají zbytečně ne?? !!! Návod je přiložený k těm programům.....

Krom toho nechápu , proč tady všichni okamžitě atakujou na jeden dotaz.....Trošku arogantní přístup přeci ne?? Trošku klidu ...jen jsem žádal o normální odpověď a ne odpověď typu ,,jedna bába říkala'' ....Jde tam jen o hacknutí dashboardu ....jen se ptám, jestli to nechce někdo zkusit .....jelikož já s připojováním XBOXU k PC nemám zkušenosti

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Nasel jsem navod na ten freeBOOT :

I. Introduction


freeBOOT is a rebooter for the Microsoft Xbox 360. This version of freeBOOT

allows you to reboot into kernel 2.0.8955 on all Xenon, Zephyr, Falcon, and

Jasper consoles with 16MB flashes, which are vulnerable to the JTAG hack.

Support for Opus and Jasper consoles with larger flashes will follow soon.

As freeBOOT needs a second flash memory to store kernel 2.0.8955 and

associated data, either a Cygnos360 or an xD card mod is required at the


II. Bug Fixes


- Harddisk installation and save game/profile issues have been fixed

III. New Features


- updated to kernel 8955

- additional support for Zephyr and Jasper consoles with 16MB flashes

- support for xD card mod and Cygnos360 V1 added

- Harddisk authentication disabled

The Xbox 360 will now accept any SATA harddisk.

- removed XEX signature checks

Execution of unsigned devkit and retail XEXes is now possible. Encrypted

devkit XEXes must be decrypted with XexTool prior to use.

- removed LIVE/PIRS signature checks

The dashboard will now run applications from unsigned LIVE/PIRS


- extendable patch system

Researchers/hackers can now try new patches easily. Please refer to

"src\patches_kernel_8955.S" for more information.

IV. Instructions


Read these instructions carefully and follow them exactly. Failing to do so

may render your Xbox 360 unusable!

1. Extract the contents of this archive to a directory of your choice. All

file and directory names in the proceeding steps will be given relative

to that directory.

2. Update your Xbox 360 to kernel 2.0.7371 (Fall 08 Update). If your Xbox 360

has already been updated to a newer kernel, you can proceed to the next

step. The update process will not succeed with resistor R6T3 desoldered.

Resolder resistor R6T3 in that case before starting the update process.


*** Make sure you do *NOT* update to kernel 2.0.8xxx, since this will ***

*** fix the JTAG hack vulnerability. Check the update before! ***


3. *************************************************************************

*** If present, desolder resistor R6T3 to prevent any accidentally ***

*** applied update fixing the JTAG hack vulnerability. ***


4. Save an image of your flash memory to the file "bin\7371.bin".

5. In case you don't already know your Xbox 360's CPU key, retrieve it now.

There are various ways to accomplish this, but they will not be covered


6. Extract the contents of your "bin\7371.bin" image with ibuild now. Launch

ibuild with the following parameters:

] ibuild x -d data\ -b [1BL key] -p [CPU key] bin\7371.bin

Replace [1BL key] with the 1BL key and [CPU key] with the CPU key matching

your "bin/7371.bin" image. Enter both 16 byte keys as hexadecimal numbers

without leading "0x". Data previously extracted with 360 Flash Tool can

no longer be used.

7. Delete all files from the "data" directory except:

- crl.bin

- crl.bin.meta

- extended.bin

- extended.bin.meta

- kv.bin

- odd.bin

- odd.bin.meta

- secdata.bin

- secdata.bin.meta

- smc.bin

- smc_config.bin

8. The remaining files necessary to build an image with kernel 2.0.8955 must

be extracted from an image of an updated Xbox 360, further on referred to

as "bin\other8955.bin". Please do *NOT* update your Xbox 360 to kernel

2.0.8955, otherwise you will loose the ability to run the JTAG hack and


Launch ibuild with the following parameters:

] ibuild x -d tmp\ -b [1BL key] -p [CPU key] bin\other8955.bin

Replace [1BL key] with the 1BL key and [CPU key] with the CPU key matching

the "bin/other8955.bin" image.

9. Copy the following files from the "tmp" to the "data" directory:

- aac.xexp[1,2]

- aac.xexp[1,2].meta

- bootanim.xex

- bootanim.xex.meta

- bootanim.xexp[1,2]

- bootanim.xexp[1,2].meta

- cb_[1940, 4579, 5771, 6750].bin

- cd_8453.bin

- ce_1888.bin

- cf_8498.bin

- cg_8498.bin

- createprofile.xex

- createprofile.xex.meta

- createprofile.xexp[1,2]

- createprofile.xexp[1,2].meta

- dash.xex

- dash.xex.meta

- deviceselector.xex

- deviceselector.xex.meta

- deviceselector.xexp[1,2]

- deviceselector.xexp[1,2].meta

- gamerprofile.xex

- gamerprofile.xex.meta

- gamerprofile.xexp[1,2]

- gamerprofile.xexp[1,2].meta

- hud.xex

- hud.xex.meta

- hud.xexp[1,2]

- hud.xexp[1,2].meta

- huduiskin.xex

- huduiskin.xex.meta

- mfgbootlauncher.xex

- mfgbootlauncher.xex.meta

- mfgbootlauncher.xexp[1,2]

- mfgbootlauncher.xexp[1,2].meta

- minimediaplayer.xex

- minimediaplayer.xex.meta

- minimediaplayer.xexp[1,2]

- minimediaplayer.xexp[1,2].meta

- nomni.xexp1

- nomni.xexp1.meta

- nomnifwm.xexp1

- nomnifwm.xexp1.meta

- signin.xex

- signin.xex.meta

- signin.xexp[1,2]

- signin.xexp[1,2].meta

- updater.xex

- updater.xex.meta

- updater.xexp[1,2]

- updater.xexp[1,2].meta

- vk.xex

- vk.xex.meta

- vk.xexp[1,2]

- vk.xexp[1,2].meta

- xam.xex

- xam.xex.meta

- xam.xexp[1,2]

- xam.xexp[1,2].meta

- xenonclatin.xtt

- xenonclatin.xtt.meta

- xenonclatin.xttp[1,2]

- xenonclatin.xttp[1,2].meta

- xenonjklatin.xtt

- xenonjklatin.xtt.meta

- xenonjklatin.xttp[1,2]

- xenonjklatin.xttp[1,2].meta

- ximecore.xex

- ximecore.xex.meta

- ximedic.xex

- ximedic.xex.meta

- ximedic.xexp[1,2]

- ximedic.xexp[1,2].meta

"[A, B]" means the file name contains either "A" or "B" at that position.

10. Now you can build your kernel 2.0.8955 image with ibuild. To do so,

launch ibuild with the following parameters:

] ibuild c -c [console] -d data/ -b [1BL key] -p [CPU key]

./bin/my8955.bin ./bin/fuses.bin

Replace [1BL key] with the 1BL key and [CPU key] with the CPU key

matching your "bin/7371.bin" image. Since ibuild currently does neither

support Opus consoles nor Jasper consoles with large flashes, valid

parameters for [console] at the moment are "xenon", "zephyr", "falcon",

and "jasper". When ibuild completes successfully, you will find two new

files in the "bin" directory. The file "bin\my8955.bin" contains your

newly built kernel 2.0.8955 image, that will be booted by freeBOOT. The

file "bin\fuses.bin" contains the virtual fuse settings used by freeBOOT.

11. In order to build the freeBOOT image, Python is needed. If you already

have Python installed, you can proceed to step 12.

The easiest way to run Python scripts under Windows is to install Cygwin.

You can download the Cygwin setup from here:


Install Cygwin to any directory of your choice along with the these


- python

- python-crypto

12. Open "build.py" with a text editor and look for these two lines:

# you need to fill in this

secret_1BL = None

Replace "None" with the 1BL key. This example shows you the format

in which the key has to be entered. The key itself is wrong.

secret_1BL = "\x01\x0F\x0E\x0C\x0E\xD6\x69\xE7\xB5\x67\x94\xFB\x68\x56\x3E\xFA"

13. The freeBOOT image can now be built. Open a Cygwin shell and change to the

directory where you extracted the contents of this archive into. Launch

the Python build script with the following parameters:

] python build.py bin/[console]_hack.bin smc.bin

The "bin\[console]_hack.bin" image is a standard JTAG hack image and can

be found at the usual places. The "smc.bin" is a patched SMC generated

by the Cygnos toolbox. When the build process finishes successfully, a new

image "bin\hack.bin" can be found.

14. Program "bin\my8955.bin" to the Cygnos360 flash memory and "bin\hack.bin"

to the Xbox 360 flash memory.

15. Power on your Xbox 360. If everything went correctly, you should see the

blue LED light up a few seconds later, followed by the usual boot

animation. If you power on your Xbox 360 with the DVD tray eject button,

XeLL will be loaded instead.

VI. What's Next


- support for Opus consoles and Jasper consoles with large flashes

- further removal of security system restrictions

- easier build process

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tak verit tomu muzete ja osobne mam na svem Falconu nainstalovany XBrebooter 0.5 =) hry spustite z jakyho koliv media neni potreba ubec dvd v mechanice staci jen prekopirovat dvd na hdd a pustit.. takze tomu klidne verte.. =) xbox pak prijme na sata konektoru jakej koliv disk jako MS disk! jak koliv velkej.. udasvam jen ze na FreeBooT je dulezite mit Cygnos360 V2 nebo jaky koliv dual nand (chip..) a na XBReboot neni potreba nic ten se instaluje primo do onboard nand tot vse jinak navod sem rozhodne nedam na netu jich je dost a dost a vsechny sou dost dobre vysvetlenx zdar hackingu!

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