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Unban pomocí DVD?



Zdarte. Hned mě neukamenujte jestli to je blbost mám Xbox od vánoc :-), ale nešel jsem toto:

Xbox 360 Unban DVD

Team IXG@G Presents LEAKED C4EVA UNBAN DVD for any Xbox 360!

Don't ask how this got leaked, it has and there's nothing Microsoft can do about this unban DVD. This Xbox 360 Unban DVD is confirmed to be working by many trusted scene members as well as C4eva himself.

I. Features


- Will unban any Xbox 360 from XboxLive

- NO CPU Keys required to alter NAND data! (don't you just love us)

II. More Info


The techical details behind this unban DVD are not to be revealed in it's exact formula, but I can shed some light on the general details behind it.

There is code present on this DVD even though it appears to be a Video DVD on your Xbox 360. This code will alter certain parts of NAND data of the Xbox 360, it randomizes the console specific data, data unique to each Xbox 360 (like MAC address, Serial Number and Console_ID), and will still look unique. Since the code randomizes the data, there's a chance it will randomize the data to another banned console_id. Again we will not reveal the technical details behind this process, due to the the 8xxx kernel being very vulnerable (we are hoping to release an exploit soon for full system compromise of any Xbox 360 and any dashboard kernel version. Expect a major breakthrough soon for homebrew, we are leaving Microsoft in the dark this time (unlike other hackers that have found exploits for the Xbox 360. In the past they have given away the technical details behind every exploit so far))

III. Instructions How To Use


- Make sure your Xbox 360 has the 8xxx kernel (any will do).

- Burn the .ISO to a single layer DVD (make sure the booktype is DVD-ROM)

- Play the DVD in your Xbox 360, and it will start the video and code to unban your Xbox

- If it doesn't work for you the first time the Unban DVD might have randomized the console specific data to another banned consoles data... Once you get to replace the console_ID with an unbanned unit, you're 100% able to go on Xboxlive again.

IV. Credits


Writing this Unban DVD would not have been possible without the work done by many hackers like arnezami, Redline99, Robinsod, SeventhSon, Tiros, tmbinc, xorloser, and anyone else I might have missed.



How do I update my Xbox 360 to a 8xxx kernel?

You can update the Xbox 360 using an USB flash drive (put the SystemUpdate folder on the USB drive, download from xbox.com)

It doesn't work to unban, help me?

Run the DVD again, and again and again, make sure the booktype is set to DVD-ROM when you burn it.


Může to někdo vyzkoušet jestli to funguje?

14 odpovědí na tuto otázku

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jak si ubec nekdo muze dovolit spinit jmeno C4EVY ? ten typan si naopak zaslouzi samou cest za vse co dokazal pro PSP scenu..a tady nakej buzik co nema koule nanej pusti takovydle fake..... PLS moderatory at tenhle topick smazou... THX

Ale no tak je to sranda prece a kazdej to musi brat s nadsazkou ,nekteri znas tu taky neco nabizi aniz by vedeli jestli je to proveditelne , nemam li pravdu :-D

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