MorroR Odesláno Červenec 6, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 6, 2006 ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Dev Hook 0.42a Released New Dev Hook by Booster - The menu looks sharper - better resolution. - NoUMD bug fix (1.5x isos) - UMD Emu's semaphore bug fix - Changed Clock reset timing. - Changed contents of configuration data - Changed loading & setting method from launcher - Changed the config load at the time of starting into a memory course from a file. - ISO/CSO driver is now in an external module. - XMB's UMD change feature is now in an external module. - Added a CLOCK change function to the XMB shortcut. - Clock frequency is displayed on the XMB for ISO image. - Remote control compatibility with Kprintf. - Added Japanese localization launcher version by Mr. mok - Works with datel 4gb NEW changes include: NoUMD bug fix (1.5x), and Return value of dhGetVersion() from 0x00004200 to 0x00420001. IF YOU HAVE 0.42 WITH THE SCREENSHOT MOD OR THE 0.42 FULL PACKAGE THEN ONLY REPLACE THE DEVHOOK.PRX IN THE DH - KD FOLDER OTHERWISE THIS WILL DISABLE THE SCREENSHOT FUNCTION [shadow=red:7098211556]DOWNLOAD[/shadow:7098211556] ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Dev Hook 0.42 Full Package This package includes: The latest devhook All the flash folders set up and ready to go. The correct settings, just select iso or umd disk The wifi at 333mhz patch. the CSO compression program And the Screenshot Mod All you have to do is copy the 2 folders in the MS_ROOT folder onto your memory stick and thats it. [shadow=red:7098211556]DOWNLOAD[/shadow:7098211556] ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Dev Hook 0.42 - The menu looks sharper - better resolution. - NoUMD bug fix (1.5x isos) - UMD Emu's semaphore bug fix - Changed Clock reset timing. - Changed contents of configuration data - Changed loading & setting method from launcher - Changed the config load at the time of starting into a memory course from a file. - ISO/CSO driver is now in an external module. - XMB's UMD change feature is now in an external module. - Added a CLOCK change function to the XMB shortcut. - Clock frequency is displayed on the XMB for ISO image. - Remote control compatibility with Kprintf. - Added Japanese localization launcher version by Mr. mok - Works with datel 4gb [shadow=red:7098211556]DOWNLOAD[/shadow:7098211556] ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Custom Dev Hook XMB This Includes a Custom BootSound, GameBoot, Background and Font DevHook loader Icon made by Zenin This is a Complete pack that will overwrite only the Options listed and will not chage anything todo with the actual program itself apart from the Icon [shadow=red:7098211556]DOWNLOAD[/shadow:7098211556] ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Screenshot Function for Devhook 0.42 Jmitch268 has released a Screenshot mod for Dev Hook 0.42 everything already edited and Set up ready to go Done by Jmitch268 This will add a screenshot function to your Devhook To be able to take a screenshot, you just have to press the music button. [shadow=red:7098211556]DOWNLOAD[/shadow:7098211556] *********************************************************************************************************************************************
Scrand Odesláno Červenec 6, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 6, 2006 nešel by dát ten full pack někam jinam prosim?? nemůžu sosat z rapidu :( třeba na Předem dík
shadow.wizard Odesláno Červenec 6, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 6, 2006 MorroR nejak si sa rozbehol nie. Asi vacsinu ludi prebudil DOWNGRADE len tak dalej. :)
Wakusol Odesláno Červenec 6, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 6, 2006 zkousel nekdo ten devhook na screenshoty? docela by se hodil recenzentum, ne??
Number_x Odesláno Červenec 7, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 7, 2006 zkousel nekdo ten devhook na screenshoty? docela by se hodil recenzentum, ne?? tjn a mohla by se udělat soutěž.něco jako nej screenshot
shadow.wizard Odesláno Červenec 7, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 7, 2006 zkousel nekdo ten devhook na screenshoty? docela by se hodil recenzentum, ne?? tjn a mohla by se udělat soutěž.něco jako nej screenshot JJ robte SCREENY uvidime ako sa to rozbehne tak vam potom nieco posleme (mozno).:) :wink: Kvalita je normalna ako na IGN alebo GAMESPOTE a tie SCREENY idu a ulozia sa vam do zlozky CAPTURE v PSP/PHOTO len ich potom z formatu .bmp premente na .jpg
flY1 Odesláno Červenec 11, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 11, 2006 Takže aby mi šel devhook 0.43 takco si mám všechno stáhnout???
flY1 Odesláno Červenec 11, 2006 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 11, 2006 Potřeboval bych nějákej návod pro méně chápající co kam nakopírovat atd. Co si stáhnout atd. Protože jak zapnu devhook tak se psp akorát sekne :?
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