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Gameloft has posted the first screenshots of Iron Man 2 for iPhone, iPod, and iPad.

Rocket into the action as Iron Man in the official movie game. With Iron Man now a worldwide hero, Tony Stark is the top weapons contractor for the government, and the top target for his enemies who have developed their own high-tech weaponry.... On the ground and in the skies, Iron Man will go head-to-head against Ultimo, Firepower, Whiplash and armies of other foes who want to take him down. But who is really pulling the strings of this sudden onslaught against Iron Man? He’ll need the help of War Machine and S.H.I.E.L.D. to defeat them all.


● Iconic moves of Iron Man are recreated in the game including the one when he breaks the ground.

● The game allows you to fight against famous Iron Man opponents including Whiplash (starring by Mickey Rourke in the movie).

● War Machine is another playable character with its own specific armor and moves. He is a very important character in the movie too.

● Iron Man also has the ability to fly wherever he wants. We’ve recreated open environments including New York City in full 3D to enhance this ability.

Take a look at the screenshots below.





Co na to rikate? Tesite se? :-) Prvni vec, co me napadla, bylo, ze to vypada krasne (na pomery iP samozrejme).

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