Could you give me an information who in Czech Republic is the biggest video games (console and PC) seller? Which retailers (net shops) have big part of video games market? Which online shops are more important in Czech (video games)?
Maybe you know some big video games wholsales, too?
Thank you very much in advance and I promise to support Czech and buy a box of Budwaiser or Pilsner Urquell and I'll drink it with pleasure :cheesygrin:
Hello my dear Czech friends,
Could you give me an information who in Czech Republic is the biggest video games (console and PC) seller? Which retailers (net shops) have big part of video games market? Which online shops are more important in Czech (video games)?
Maybe you know some big video games wholsales, too?
Thank you very much in advance and I promise to support Czech and buy a box of Budwaiser or Pilsner Urquell and I'll drink it with pleasure :cheesygrin:
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