z niceho nic se mi zmenila tapeta pri odemikani itouche na nejaky cydget... je tam psany>
welcome to cydget
cytger tm is very simple SBawayViewPlugin multiplexer, alowing both developers and web designers to extend the capabilities of the lock screen by tapping into the existing mechanism apple hat designed for voicerecorder and Nike+ . The webcycritp cydget framework is designed to be a powerful replacement for the lock widget feature from winterboard, whichit herebysupersedes.
You can switch between cydgets( your original springboard away wiev is next rotation) using the Home/Menu button, and you can reorder them using Setting under ,, Cydget,,.
z niceho nic se mi zmenila tapeta pri odemikani itouche na nejaky cydget... je tam psany>
welcome to cydget
cytger tm is very simple SBawayViewPlugin multiplexer, alowing both developers and web designers to extend the capabilities of the lock screen by tapping into the existing mechanism apple hat designed for voicerecorder and Nike+ . The webcycritp cydget framework is designed to be a powerful replacement for the lock widget feature from winterboard, whichit herebysupersedes.
You can switch between cydgets( your original springboard away wiev is next rotation) using the Home/Menu button, and you can reorder them using Setting under ,, Cydget,,.
Co to ksakru je?:)
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