Zdar potreboval bych radu stahl sem Hitman:B.M.
a uvnitr slozky je soubor IMAGE.000 a IMAGE.DVD
kdyz dam v clonecd vypalit *.dvd tak to napise
ze nelze otevrit IMAGE.000 cet sem na forku ze se to da vypalit aj s tim *.000 souborem. K torrentu
bylo info:
works Pal and NTSC maybe region free
The original release was not stealth patch or iXtreme compatible with broken video. I've patched it with NTSC PFI.bin and PAL DMI.bin, and corrected the video with XDVDMulleter10.2. I've tested the game on PAL Xbox 360 console with Hitachi v78 drive and it runs perfectly.
neco malo sem pochitil ale anglictina neni moje silna stranka
ocenim kazdou radu.(NEchci kazit dalsi DVD DL)