brick = cihla, ta konzole se zapne a hned se zase vypíná = nenabootuje ani recovery menu :/
edit: našel jsem návod na unbrick, bohužel nejsem doma abych to mohl zkusit
Cheers to all the people with a brick...
I fixed a brick on my 60gb(launch-console) with the 3.50 to 3.41 downgrade-method:
Download this package from any Filehoster.
After unrar the package, put the data inside the "Lv2diag.self FILE 1 folder" to the root of a normal usb-stick.
Take the "PS3UPDAT.PUP" inside "Modified 3.41 PUP" folder, create this folder structure on your usb-stick:
PS3->UPDATE<---and put the "PS3UPDAT.PUP" in this folder.
After finishing all files copied to your usb-stick, shut down your bricked PS3 and put the usb-stick into the rightest usb-port of your playstation-model.
Then start the engines of your black lady...if all goes well, your PS3 stay in Blackscreen, but the flashlights in front of the PS3 are working.
When finished, your PS3 shut down automatically and after start the engines again you are in "Service Mode/ Firmware 3.41".
If you want to go back from service mode to normal mode, then erase all data on the usb-stick and put the data inside the "Lv2diag.self FILE 2 folder" to the root of your usb-stick,shut down PS3, put the usb-stick into the rightest usb-port and start the engines again...after 10-20 seconds your PS3 shut down automatically again.
And now: "Put your hands up in the air", you have succesfully unbrick your PS3-Console...
This method is working great for me!
Good luck with this solution and keep the scene alive ;-)e
With friendly greetings,
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