Měl jsi dát 3. Restore File System 4. případně Rebuild Database.
The File System is, you guessed it, the HDD's file system. File system's do go bad, anyone who has ever used a computer knows this. The PS3 does have an automatic fsck (For Windows users, think Scandisk), that does run, but even fsck can't fix everything. Now, its a lot cheaper to have a user, in home, fix the problem then having the PS3 shipped in.
The same goes for the database, its stored on the HDD. I've run into this problem quite a few times downgrading to 1.00, adding content to the db and then directly upgrading to 2.4, the database becomes corrupt, and it can't be repaired.
Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/PS3Dev/playstation-3-recovery-menu-added-in-firmware-2-50-why/#ixzz1WcXeO9kW