- potvrzené novinky ve FW 5.00
* Direct PSN access. Yep, the PSP finally gets its native PlayStation Store. With FW 5.00 you can access Sony's online network directly from your PSP via Wi-Fi - you can register a PSN account (if you haven't yet - SHAME!) or manage your profile and settings. This also means direct download of games, media, and content from the store - no need for the PC Store anymore! Just a note, the same wallet and account can be used interchangeably for the PSP and PS3; there's no need to create a new account for the PSP Store. Just so you don't get surprised, the PC Store will be under maintenance while they get the PSP Store online.
* Sleep timer option. Some of you have probably seen this many times before as a feature in some of the more ubiquitous music player homebrew projects in the community, but now, Sony's building it into the system already: the feature allows you to play music and set a sleep timer.
* Full screen keyboard option for text input. Self explanatory.
* Redesigned XMB background. 'Nuf said. (Wonder what it looks like though - they didn't show any screenshots...)