Za chvíli me rupnou nervy jestli to neudelam ...
Quest 49 The Chamber of Agony ....Elegy, Red Seal, Regret, Blue Seal, Mourn uz mam ale cast An Audence With Malith za boha nemuzu udelat, spis nemuzu najit kam jit ...
An Audience With Malith - Head back to the lift that took you to the
Forgotten Halls, but instead of going to the southeast head north. You will
find some treasure and a doorway that takes you further northeast. Open the
door and activate the lift, heading all the way to the north. Once you cross
the lift, you will fight four Chosen of Malith. Once they're done there's a
teleporter and a doorway. The doorway is guarded by a boss creature Mourn. Take
the doors and head on through to the chamber of Agony. Go on inside and watch
the cutscene to complete this quest.
Tohle se pise na tech ale nemuzu najit forgotten halls :'( .. Uz fakt nevim .. Hledam to nekolik hodin :D