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zdravim vsechny uzivatele tohoto fora. Vzdycky si koupim neco noveho a pak tapu jak to rozchodit (Iphone, PSP,Xbox360 jsem rozchodil, tak ted zase neco noveho na PS3 :) )

Nasla by se nejaka dobra duse a poradila mi jak rozbehat X3 MAX Jaillbreak na PS3. Poridil jsem si to z teto stranky http://www.x3max.com/, stahl vse co je potreba ale nemohu prijit jak to naprogramovat. Pri pouziti jejich programovaciho nastroje X3 Programming Tool v2.0, ktery se da stahnout na jejich adrese se mi podarilo nahrat jejich posledni firmware ale pak se ma najit a otevrit nejaky code hex soubor a to nevim co je.

Urcite delam neco spatne protoze po nahrati noveho firmwaru do X3 MAX se mi nedari pripojeni k PS3(firmware 3.2) a nezhasne mi cervena dioda.

Nejsem zadnej zacatecnik ale ted opravdu prosim o radu jak to rozbehat, protoze jinak mi syn neda pokoj :D

diky za kazdou radu

smejky co ja vim tak na rozbehnutí zaloh na PS3 musis mit fw 3.41

dik za radu, nahodil jsem 3.41 ale to problem stale neresi. Sviti stale modra i cervena dioda. Jeste se vratim k tomu naprogramovani, je nutno nejak jinak programovat nez nahrat firmware do toho USB pres PC? v tom jejich navodu na webu pisou neco o vlozeno kodu "After the X3Max is connected then you want to open and select the Code that you wish to program your X3Max with.

Once the Code has been selected you may now click on the Program button. You will see the X3Tool programming your Code to your X3Max.

Once the program has been transferred to your X3Max you will get a message the " Programming Complete " .

You may now click disconnect and close the X3Tool application and remove your X3Max from your PC"

Nahral jsem jejich posledni firmware napise to Programing firmware comlete ale nevim kde vzit ten Payload Hex File "code.hex"

Diky za radu

dik za radu, nahodil jsem 3.41 ale to problem stale neresi. Sviti stale modra i cervena dioda. Jeste se vratim k tomu naprogramovani, je nutno nejak jinak programovat nez nahrat firmware do toho USB pres PC? v tom jejich navodu na webu pisou neco o vlozeno kodu "After the X3Max is connected then you want to open and select the Code that you wish to program your X3Max with.

Once the Code has been selected you may now click on the Program button. You will see the X3Tool programming your Code to your X3Max.

Once the program has been transferred to your X3Max you will get a message the " Programming Complete " .

You may now click disconnect and close the X3Tool application and remove your X3Max from your PC"

Nahral jsem jejich posledni firmware napise to Programing firmware comlete ale nevim kde vzit ten Payload Hex File "code.hex"

Diky za radu

zapojuješ to normál do PC USB nebo USB HUBU tokoví to rozbočovadlo musíš normál do PC pak v ps3 musíš při zapínání jen ten key a nic jiního v usb a newim jk je tu utohohle ale u Teensy je že musíš vypnou konzoli vzadu natvrdo pak zapnou a dát eject :)


tady je to stejny, vypnout konzoli vzadu zastrcit do USB, zapnout a hned zmacknout eject. teda jestli jsem ten navod prelouskal dobre :)

X3 Max Instructions:

Once you receive your X3 Max you will need to visit http://x3max.com/downloads and download the X3 Programming Tool and a file you wish to program your X3 Max with.

After you have download both of these two items you will need to extract x3Toolv1.0.rar on your PC and you will need to extract the code you would like to program on your X3 Max in to a directory.

(We suggest that you extract the X3 Max code into your X3Toolv1.0 directory.)

Now that you have everything that you need on your PC, you will need to toggle the switch on the back of the X3 Max to the ON position (Programming/Boot loader Mode)

then you will plug your X3Max in an open USB port of your PC

Then you will go to the directory where you extracted the X3Toolv1.0 and from here you will launch the X3Tool.exe.

Once the X3Tool is loaded on your PC you should see that it has " Connected " with your X3Max.

(If it has not connected then your switch is not in the ON position)

After the X3Max is connected then you want to open and select the Code that you wish to program your X3Max with.

Once the Code has been selected you may now click on the Program button. You will see the X3Tool programming your Code to your X3Max.

Once the program has been transferred to your X3Max you will get a message the " Programming Complete " .

You may now click disconnect and close the X3Tool application and remove your X3Max from your PC

The next step is to put the switch in the OFF position and you can now use it in your PS3.

PS3 Step is as follows:

Place your X3Max in the USB port closest to the PS3 DVD drive. (With the power switch off or PS3 Slim unplugged)

After this turn on the power switch or plug in the power cord to you PS3

Once this is completed then you will press the power button and then press eject right after.

If you have done all these steps correctly then the Red LED on the X3 Max will shut off.

If the Red LED stays on and you get unknown device on your PS3 then you need to start over with the PS3 off or unplugged.

Enjoy the Pleasure that the X3 Max can unlock for you after you have completed all the steps.

Má někdo nějaké info o xjailbreaku?

Prej bude i na 3:50... Je to pravda?


xjailbreak ? neco takovyho existuje ? ja sleduju ty stránky zabivajíci se hackem PS3 a tam nic o xjailbreaku není pokud jsem to nepřehlídl

kdyžtak : http://playstation-3.logic-sunrise.com/ , http://www.ps3gen.fr/news/ , http://psgroove.com/

samozdřejmne každy den čekuju JB na FW 3.42 nebo 3.50 to je jasny :D


@smejky: tam bude problém s hex souborem (zdroj hacku)...na ofiko stránkách nemáš žádnej hex. navíc 3x max používá bin soubory...v příloze máš komplet playloadu na 3xmax, užívej v dobrém ;o)

diky moc za pomoc, vyzkousel jsem sice tvoje prilozene firmwary ale bylo to asi rukama :(,...je to dost narocne na presnost stisku tlacitka "eject" ve spravny cas

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