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CFW se brzo objeví ve vašich PS3 :D Jaicrab napsal homebrew app, ktera umozní spustit upraveny fw. No neni to skvělé? Ano Tome, Je to skvělé. :D

Jen jsem mohl podotknout, že fw bude na flashce a original v PS3, takže nehrozí riziko bricknuti apod.

A coder known as Jaicrab has released a homebrew app that lets you load custom firmware. The app does this by mapping dev_flash (where your firmware is normally stored) to dev_usb (your usb ports). This allows you to place custom firmware files onto a usb stick and have the PS3 utilize them. There is no risk of damage or bricking your console, as your firmware flash is untouched. All firmware changes are made to your USB stick. Now there are no custom firmwares currently available (yet), but if you want to go ahead and experiment, download your dev_flash with one of the file browsing apps, then place it on a usb stick. Start modifying files and note the results! A complete translated quote/instructions from Jaicrab’s site after the jump.
Toto téma je nyní uzavřeno, a proto není možné odpovídat.
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