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assassin vam nepojede! musite se s tim proste smirit. dokavad nebude novy FW LT+ assassina nerozjedete, vsichni to resi a ja mam to a ja mam tamto... nekde na slovenskem foru jsem cetl, ze to typek rozjel, ze updatnul dash z dvd AC:B a ze mu to jede, protoze ma starsi mechaniku hitachi a ze pry majitele hitachi a samsung mechanik - jejiz vlastnikem jsem - to po updatu rozjedou a ukazoval screeny, tak jsem to z prdele zkusil a nic.. nefunguje, asi byl typek klikar, ale jinak to proste kvuli te ochrane nepojede.. jo a fable 3 a ostatni hry mi funujou.. ale dash je to odporny, ten predtim byl teda daleko lepsi, tot asi vse

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Dnes to po mo chtelo vsemi zpusoby update, jinak ze budu behem hrani odhlaseny, coz znamena nemoznost ukladat apod. Tak jsem updatoval, mam dashboard 2.0.12611.0 a vysledkem je sice novy pekny vzhled, ale hry se mi nehratelne sekaji. A to jen, kdyz stisknu jakekoli tlacitko :( Spustil jsem tovarni nastaveni, opet stejny dash. Muzu nejak downgradovat na starsi pres flash disk nebo tak neco?

EDIT: pri delsim zkoumani jsem zjistil, ze se mi sekaji zavodni hry, nfs uc a nfs ps. Ostatni - gta, cod, assassin apod. mi bud funguje hned v pohode a nebo si stahne update a pote jde hrat,

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Tak to vypada ze do vanoc LT+ bude, tedy aspon co pise c4eva:

[2010-11-13 Updates]

[*****] is it possible to spoof our current drives to appear as samsung drives and bypass ap25

[c4eva] *****:osig is checked as part of ap25

[********] I spoofed 4 o 5 Slims to diferent drives, and only 2 times it don't works with Kinect (Play DVD) However, other slims read all (unless Fable 3 xD)

[c4eva] ********:new dash at some point checks slim drive fw, once it has spoof will cease to work

[*****] c4eva will LT+ firmware be available to hitachi v79 drives?

[c4eva] *****:maybe

[******] C4eva have u tested AC brotherhood?

[c4eva] yes, i have ac:b, all is good!

[c4eva] lt+ testing begins this weekend, not long now!

[******] unless u have a hitatchi drive or a sammy, but sammys seem to be hit and miss, works for some and not for others

[c4eva] ******:ap25 is checking osig

[******] +c4eva - what is osig?

[c4eva] original drive signature for motherboard

[c4eva] osig is interesting, they took out kernel check due to rrod repairs, now ap25 had to have it,otherwise everyone would be a sammy, now rrod repairs may not boot if osig wasnt updated!

[c4eva] its gone past just live, they want no backups booting period!

[*******] I read somewhere that this ap 2.5 can be different for each game ... so every new game might not work the same way as the previous one and may need a new fw update?

[c4eva] fw will be fine!

[******] it'll work for any AP2.5 challenge he said

[*****] c4eva fable3 and asasin have same ap25 checks ?

[c4eva] ap25 checks are game specific

[*********] c4eva do u know why samsung does not have ap2.5 ]

[c4eva] because it doesnt have the code for it :)

[******] c4eva, AP2.5 - thats a name you came up with or does it show in the dash binary somehow ?

[******] that's what the specification is actually called, ******

[*********] c4eva, i suppose we will need new software/hardware aswell, to dump the new sectors and inject them in iso ?

[******] ******, specification that came from MS to game developers ?

[*****] New 0800 and xbc would be liky

[*****] Likely

[c4eva] yes

[****] c4eva, so if ap2.5 is game specific. Could ms implement new checks with an update and render the new drive FW useless again ?

[c4eva] ****:fw will be fine

[*******] c4eva original slim now can be updated to new firmware and after that it can be LT+ flashed with no problem?

[*********] how do you dump and test ap25 games for now? is it a secre? :)

[c4eva] *******:yes

[c4eva] *********:yes

[*********] [+c4eva] thanks for all your hard work man, we love you. Maybe consider putting out a non-LIVE version of the FW for those that dont care about LIVE. It would have to be easier on ou.

[*****] C4s always been committed to stealth

[*****] And im

[*****] Sure he is busy enough

[c4eva] ap25, live or no live, doesnt matter

[*********] my fable 3 doesnt show AP25 in ABGX???

[******] *********: Fable III doesn't have that flag

[c4eva] with new dash xex flag is irrelevant!

[******] yeah, so that becomes an unreliable method to determine

[2010-11-14 Updates]

[c4eva] testing code, so far so good!

[******] is black ops as safe as any other game before the dash update?

[c4eva] ******:yes

[***] for slim what kind of real time checks are we talking about?

[c4eva] ***:realtime fw check,realtime ram check!

[c4eva] they are checking for our code/data in drive!

[*********] c4 can we expect lt+ this side of christmas?

[c4eva] *********:yes

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