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xbox 360 3 blikajici svetla



ahoj, mam problem s xboxem.. z niceho nic se mi jednou sekla hra a potom uz nesel pustit a zacalo svitit prvni,treti a ctvrty svetlo cervene.. nasel jsem na internetu nejakej navod:

Sections 1, 3, and 4 are flashing red - General Hardware Failure

Check the secondary Error Code per the instructions in the section below.


Try restarting the console.

If restarting the console does not resolve the behavior, follow these steps:

Turn the console off.

Unplug all the power and AV cables from the console.

Unplug the power cord from the wall socket.

Firmly reconnect all the cables.

Turn on the console.

If these steps do not resolve the behavior, turn the console off, remove the hard drive, and then turn on the console. If the 3x Red LED error light is no longer displayed, turn the console off, re-attach the hard drive, and then turn on the console.

Also examine the lights on the power supply. When you turn on the console, the power supply light should illuminate green even if the three lights on the RoL flash red.

vsechno jsem nekolikrat vyzkousel a nic nezabralo.. kdyz mam xbox jen v zasuvce a mam i odpojeny hdd furt sviti tydle tri.. nesetkal se s tim nekdo popr nevite nekdo co s tim? dekuju

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kámo nechci nic říkat ale máš toho plný fórum =) nemyslíš že by bylo dobrý občas se trošku porozhlídnout?http://console-forum.net/tema/55656-xbox360-z-nejakeho-duvodu-nejede-error-e74-rrod-mas-podobny-problem-napis-sem chytls RROD a jestli to nemáš v záruce,bohužel s tím nic neuděláš.... buď to vyhoď nebo reklamuj

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Oprava RRoD např. tento topik: http://console-forum.net/tema/75521-servisni-sluzby-xbox-360-flash-prodej-xboxu-opravy-rrod-zaruka-na-praci

Když by ses už pro tuto volbu rozhodl, doporučím počkat až výjde nový LT+ ( fleš ), protože romik dělá k opravě RRoD zdarma upgrade fw !!

ahoj, mam problem s xboxem.. z niceho nic se mi jednou sekla hra a potom uz nesel pustit a zacalo svitit prvni,treti a ctvrty svetlo cervene.. nasel jsem na internetu nejakej navod:

Sections 1, 3, and 4 are flashing red - General Hardware Failure

Check the secondary Error Code per the instructions in the section below.


Try restarting the console.

If restarting the console does not resolve the behavior, follow these steps:

Turn the console off.

Unplug all the power and AV cables from the console.

Unplug the power cord from the wall socket.

Firmly reconnect all the cables.

Turn on the console.

If these steps do not resolve the behavior, turn the console off, remove the hard drive, and then turn on the console. If the 3x Red LED error light is no longer displayed, turn the console off, re-attach the hard drive, and then turn on the console.

Also examine the lights on the power supply. When you turn on the console, the power supply light should illuminate green even if the three lights on the RoL flash red.

vsechno jsem nekolikrat vyzkousel a nic nezabralo.. kdyz mam xbox jen v zasuvce a mam i odpojeny hdd furt sviti tydle tri.. nesetkal se s tim nekdo popr nevite nekdo co s tim? dekuju

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