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XLink Kai



3 odpovědi na tuto otázku

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1. Uninstall XLink Kai via the uninstaller from the Control Panel--->"Add or Remove Programs"

2. Go to the following folders on your system and delete the XLink Kai folders.

Main Folders

-C:\Program Files\

Application Data Folders

-Windows Vista: C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\

-Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Application Data\

(a quick way to get to this folder is .. click start , run .. type 'application data' no quotes , hit enter.)

3. Download and Run CCleaner.



Use both the "Cleaner" and "Registry" features and make sure it deletes the files/references. This way it SHOULD remove any temporary internet files as well as old kai registry references(from previous kai builds) that might be causing the runtime error.

4. Reinstall the latest version of Kai...

ak nepomoze, hladaj riesenie na webe http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/forum/
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