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Interesting Facts About Monkeypox


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Monkeypox, a rare viral disease, shares similarities with smallpox but is less severe in humans. Here are interesting facts about monkeypox:

Origins and Reservoirs: Monkeypox is believed to originate from animals, with rodents serving as potential reservoirs. It was first identified in 1958 in monkeys.

Transmission: Human transmission occurs through direct contact with animals, body fluids, or contaminated materials. Person-to-person transmission is rare but can happen.

Geographical Distribution: Monkeypox primarily occurs in Central and West African regions, with sporadic cases reported elsewhere.

Symptoms: Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, and a characteristic pox-like rash. In severe cases, complications can arise.

Prevalence in Animals: Monkeypox can infect various animals, including rodents and primates, with the potential for spillover into human populations.

Understanding these facts about monkeypox is crucial for public health awareness and prevention efforts, especially in regions where the disease is endemic.


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