wain Odesláno Leden 17, 2011 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 17, 2011 nevíte někdo co je chyba E 71??ukazalo se mi to kdyz sem zapinal xko a od ty doby nemam odvahu ho zapnout Citovat
0 Thomas0046 Odesláno Leden 17, 2011 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 17, 2011 E71: Dashboard Error Error within Xam.xex: possibly a dashboard update error, Check below in the "Console Reset Codes" for instructions. If that does not work there is no other solution and the console must be sent back to MS for repair. zkus zapnout xbox normalne, a kdyz ne, tak zkus tohle... zkus zapnout xbox a pritom drzet na ovladaci Y Citovat
0 Frewwww Odesláno Leden 17, 2011 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 17, 2011 Nejsem zadny odbornik. Jestli nemas flash. Tak si nekde stahni ten dashboard a dej na flashku a hod do xka (melo by ti to nabidnout novy dashboard). :) Citovat
0 Thomas0046 Odesláno Leden 17, 2011 Nahlásit Odesláno Leden 17, 2011 --==Console Reset Codes==-- Clear All Installed Game Updates and Console Cache Go to the "system" blade Select "memory" Press Y on the HD symbol Press X,X, Left Bumper, Right Bumper, X,X A message will appear saying: "Do you want to perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices?" Select Yes Clear Any Failed system updates that cause the console to error. With the console off, press and hold the sync up button (the small white one) While holding the sync button press the power button to turn on the console Continue to hold the sync button until the Console has booted up completely. During the boot process the console should clear any failed updates, allowing you to use it normally. jo, to s tim nahranim noveho dashe na flashku by mohlo pomoct taky si myslim :) Citovat
nevíte někdo co je chyba E 71??ukazalo se mi to kdyz sem zapinal xko a od ty doby nemam odvahu ho zapnout
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