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Sephiroh: pro ulehceni..

How to get to HR2 [GHR3]

- Giadrome Assault [GHR3.A]

- The Land Shark [GHR3.B]

- The Lurking Desert Giant [GHR3.C]

- The Mischief Maker [GHR3.D]

- Urgent Quest(Blangonga) [GHR4]

How to get to HR3 [GHR5]

- Master of the Giant Lake [GHR6.A]

- Evening Hermitaur Sonata [GHR6.B]

- Pincer through the Sky [GHR6.C]

- Trouble in the Forest [GHR6.D]

- The Ioprey Leader [GHR6.E]

- HR2 Urgent Quest(Tigrex) [GHR7]

How to get to HR4 [GHR8]

- The Runaway Diablos [GHR9.A]

- Valor in the Swamp Zone [GHR9.B]

- The King's Domain [GHR9.C]

- The Queen's Descent [GHR9.D]

- HR3 Urgent Quest(Shen Gao Ren)[GHR10]

How to get to HR5 [GHR11]

- The Poison Fanged Duo [GHR12.A]

- Ultimate Crab Dinner [GHR12.B]

- Trapped by Yian Kut-Ku [GHR12.C]

- Conga Counterattack! [GHR12.D]

- HR4 Urgent Quest(LaoShan Lung)[GHR13]

How to get to HR6 [GHR14]

- Two Roars in the Snow [GHR15.A]

- Red Shadow on the Swamp [GHR15.B]

- The Underwater Terror [GHR15.C]

- Slay the Rathalos! [GHR15.D]

- Unseen Peril [GHR15.E]

- HR6 Urgent Quest(2 Tigrex) [GHR16]

The 8* Guild Quests [GHR17]

- The Fierce Black Horn [GHR18.A]

- Black Rock in the Swamp [GHR18.B]

- Blue Sky, Pink Earth [GHR18.C]

- Deny the Silver Rathalos [GHR18.D]

- Find the Golden Rathian [GHR18.E]


na farme.. nejcasteji z red seed a jeste na to hod dung nebo wyvern droppings.. nepada to furt ale de to

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