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# 3.60 M33 je defakto stejny jako 3.52 M33 (ma stejny fce) az na fci 1.50 kernelu - ten totiz na Slimovi nebeha korektne

# HB a Hry apod.. se nacitaji z adresaru GAME, GAME150 a GAME360, ale vzdy jsou spusteny pod kernelem 3.60 -> takze je jedno co kam date ;)

# na Slimovi tedy z vyse uvedenych duvodu nejedou HB pro 1.50, vyresi se to tim, ze programatori HB prekonvertuji pro FW 2.XX, coz pry neni problem

# pred pouzitim ctete pribalovy letak (readme) a pokud jste mimo ani se do toho nepoustejte, protoze samozrejme hrozi brick.. (ktery by ale mel jit vylecit pres pandoru, pres kterou se nejspise dela take DG)


As promised yesterday, Team M33 has finally released their PSP Slim Custom Firmware 3.60! Hey, if there's one thing we know about committed homebrew developers, it's keeping the promises you make - which, as we previously heard, Fanjita did despite supposedly being retired already.

So, has everyone got their PSP Slim already? Nice, on with the Team M33's notes!

We are proud to present the first custom firmware for the PSP Slim, and the first custom firmware that runs using a 3.XX IPL (3.60).

3.60 M33 for PSP Slim has all the features of 3.52 M33, except the 1.50 kernel support, as that kernel doesn't work properly on psp slim (hardware problems, screen problems). 3.60 M33 will load homebrew from GAME, GAME150 and GAME360 directories, but all will be executed with 3.60 kernel.

This mean that some homebrews done specifically for the 1.50 kernel cannot work on 3.60 M33. However, the adaptation of code to 2.XX+ kernels is not difficult, and homebrew developers can port their aplications to work in these firmwares.

While we've posted just as much here, you still have to go look at the readme file included in the download archive. We can't stress this enough. This is the PSP Slim we're talking about here - uncharted territory and all that - everyone might even consider themselves as newbies despite how "veteran" they've been in the homebrew scene.

Now, we're talking about a custom firmware here, and unless you know what you're doing, your brand spanking new PSP Slim & Lite will be reduced to nothing but a PSP Brick & Mortar.

Also consider that, since there's already been talk going around town that the Pandora's Battery doesn't work with the PSP Slim, you should take caution all the more.

Zdroj: dl.qj.net

Neodzkouseno! Slima nevlastnim, nemohu vyzkouset! Az zejtra odpoledne prijdu ze skoly, prepisu to do CJ a upravim to, ted uz jdu ale spat, takze sorry :)

vyzkousejte to nekdo, ja to riskovat nebudu dokud to nebude na rusackejch M33 oficialnich strankach

jasny, ale dl.qj.net je myslim si, neco jako offic stranky :) je to takovej domov konzoli, nikdy tam nebylo nic spatneho.. (bricker..)

je to seriozni stranka, takze si myslim ze z M33 to bude stejne, je to defakto od nich..

... ale samozrejme te chapu ze to nechces zkouset..

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