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kouknete co sem našel :roll: pouze pro PSP fat...


  • You can now set custom themes in [Theme Settings] under [settings].
  • Support has been added for assigning buttons in [Remote Play].
  • A scene search feature has been added under [Video].
  • Sequential playback is now supported under [Video].
  • Simultaneous playback of content under [Music] and [Photo] is now supported.

Although it hasn't been released in the most official of channels (be it the ol' reliable PlayStation downloads), shun goku satsu, moderator of the Official PlayStation Portable forums, has begun a discussion of future firmware updates for the PlayStation Portable. Lo and behold, for within the introductory post, the moderator slapped on Firmware 3.70 - a software update for the North American iteration of the PSP-1001 (as specified).

Find it hard to believe? If it feels like a huge Venetian rug has been pulled right from under you, we know how you feel. Moderator shun goku satsu, though, has enforced his post with a complete changelog for the "future" firmware update:

You can now set custom themes in [Theme Settings] under [settings].

Support has been added for assigning buttons in [Remote Play].

A scene search feature has been added under [Video].

Sequential playback is now supported under [Video].

Simultaneous playback of content under [Music] and [Photo] is now supported.

Now stress has been given that the firmware update is strictly for North American PSP-1001s (PSP Phats) and *NOT* for PSP-2000s (PSP Slim & Lites) nor for any PSP model purchased outside of the US. Also, we've got hold of the PBP format version (the one you can save on your PC) so you can think twice about going through with the update.

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