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Team M33 has just released a revised psardumper that works with 2.xx to 3.xx firmware kernels, and it now comes with an executable PBP. Aside from being more beginner-friendly (and thus less risky), it also lists an interesting feature: it has support for 3.7x decryption.

What makes this interesting, obviously, is the fact that decryption of 3.70 and 3.71 kernels would eventually lead to a 3.71 M33 (Can we get a whoop-whoop?) custom firmware. Now that's one for your Christmas list for Santa.

It would eventually ease the minds of PlayStation Portable users and advocates of homebrew when considering to upgrade to the newly released firmware update.

For developers willing to try out the new psardumper, we've provided the file below in its full original state. It comes password protected, though it can be satisfied with the password (quotes not included): "PSARDUMPER_FOR_NEW_AGE". Make sure to read the packaged documentation before installing and using this application.


snad se brzo dočkáme 3.71 M33 ;)

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