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With the recent release of the PSP Slim complete with new video output feature, and the PSP Camera out on the market for some months now, it's only a matter of time before someone tinkered with the possible hardware/software tricks between the two. Lunacy8m of Gadgetmadness did exactly that and he's now showing us in his Youtube video what he dubs as the world's first PSP webcam.

Basically, what Lunacy8m did is attach a PSP Camera to the video output-equipped PSP 2000, connect it to his laptop and voila, he now has a working PSP webcam. What made the PSP to laptop connection possible is the Adaptec Gamebridge, a hardware add-on that establishes compatibility between gaming consoles and PCs (it's usually used to play games on the PC without the need of TV).

It's not that hard of a trick really, Lunacy8m just happened to have a really good common sense and the right stuff to make it work. To those wondering if this one's legit, it should be noted that Lunacy8m is the same guy who came up with the Gameboy webcam and the original EyeToy webcam.

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