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OE Firmware je Open Source - Wildcard !!!!!

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Recently PSP Developer Dark Alex announced he was leaving the homebrew scene to pursue other endeavors, noting conflicting differences between Sony and developers who decide to expand their console to its full potential via homebrew in their spare time. This left many PSP gamers wondering what would happen with the OE aka Open Edition, the PSP custom firmware which he worked on. As it stood the Open Edition firmware source code had never been made public, which means that no further work could continue and no future custom firmware revisions in the Open Edition line would be released.

PSP Open Edition Firmware is now Open Source - Image 1However, in an unusual turn of events Team Wildcard, who had been working on reverse engineering 3.10 and 3.40 OE firmware, in addition a new custom firmware has decided to release the source code to their work thus far.

"We had to release our work because of a leak done by a lame website which we wont name in order not to bring visitors there. This work was a full 3.10 and 3.40OE reverse done by us as well as new features for a future custom firmware which was meant to be closed source."

The perpetrator (who will remain unmentioned) used a exploit in another PSP website database to hijack one of the Team's accounts and gain access to the teams work, which then was posted on the perpetrator's website without the developers permission. Thus prompting Team Wildcard to make an official release of their work in progress for the rest of the PSP community to benefit from.

Shady PSP websites and drama aside, Team Wildcard's now official release contains source code which is sure to be of particular interest to anyone who dabbles in custom PSP firmware development or modification. In addition to the reversed 3.10 and 3.40 OE firmware, they have also released work on features which were to be built into a new custom firmware.

Team Wildcard's source code, which mathieulh informs us "The code is legit. It is a complete reverse of the OE and other stuffs." could possibly be used by PSP developers to further the Open Edition PSP custom firmware development unofficially or to create a new custom firmware using contributed code. Well folks, It looks like new custom editions (and additions) to the OE firmware might be back on the menu.




pekny,ale je to jen pro programatory ktery se vyznaj ve zdrojaku FW,ale stejne je to docela podel vod toho vola kterej se jim hacknul na ucet a vzal ty jejich data....

v zkratce jde o to ze tymu wildcard se nekdo nahackoval na ucet a vzal od nich vsechny data o vyrobe OE a jinych FW a dal to na svuj web,proto oni ted vydavaj ty svoje zdrojovy cody na FW aby se vedelo ze je to jejich a aby moh nekdo popripade pokracovat v praci DA protoze on nikdy svoje zdrojaky verejnosti nedal

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