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New Sony batteries Pandora-proof

As much as we all want to hear that the new PlayStation Portable batteries Sony's dishing out can be converted to Pandora, it can't. Fanjita informs us via the Noobz site that the new Sony PSP batteries are Pandora-proof.

Fanjita got his Sony PSP-110 battery (the fat PSP's original batt) recently from Amazon, and it seems Sony's been doing some patching, making it hard to be successfully converted to the ultimate universal PSP unbricker from Noobz and C+D. The homebrew coder says that even flashing an EEPROM image shows lots of errors when using the new battery.

So far, dev says that the only difference of this new Sony PSP battery from the older versions is that this was made in Japan, while the older ones were made in China. But the Pandora-proof batteries shouldn't be a problem for the homebrew users. Fanjita suggests that we get new large capacity batteries to use as a regular battery and the just use the original battery that came with the PSP for Pandora. Or we can also use the multi-IPL loader from Booster so our Pandora batteries can also become our primary batteries. He goes on to warn us that we shouldn't buy new Sony PSP batteries if we're intending to convert it to Pandora. Nice guy.

For those of you planning to unbrick your PSPs (assuming you still haven't done that or have just had your PSP bricked) using the Pandora, you can familiarize yourself on the how-tos with the easy-to-follow tutorial from FreePlay.


no comment sony :roll:

Jo to je jasné že něco takového přijde,ale starýh baterek je tolik v oběhu že jim to bude trvat 10 let než to obmění.... :-D

pokud to Sony nezacne stahovat jako PSP(fat)uvidime,ale zatim zadny strach,navic v nasich koncinach.....kdyz vidim ne ebay co se uz prodava ke slimu,napr.ten kablik do tv a tady....pomalu o tom v obchodech ani nevedi

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