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To wake up of the cemetery/Universal Unbricker for Psp Slim and Psp fat


- If already you have one memory stick of pandora, sáltate this step, on the contrary:

Formatea one memory stick using herramient mspformat of C+D or alternatively some other

alternative tool that allows to move the partition to a distance of 250~ KB of the first sector.

It retires memory stick, desconectae usb, and returns to connect usb already memory stick.

It creates the folders /PSP and /PSP/GAME

- Copy despertar_cementerio to /PSP/GAME

- Obten following updates of Sony: 1.50, 3,40 and 3,71, and copialos in the root with the names

150.PBP, 340.PBP and 371.PBP

- Firmware with support Executes the program in custom 2.XX or 3.XX.

Asegurate that kernel this position to firmware superior, or you will receive a message diciendote that

the program require 2,71 like minimum.

- Once finished the process, you will have in the root a file llamdo msipl.bin

If you already have one memory stick of pandora, you can saltarte this step, since ipl is he himself.

On the contrary, uiliza the tool msinst of C+D to install ipl in memory stick,

or alternatively dd of UNIX uses the commando, or some program like winhex to write ipl

in sector 16 of the PU.

- You can erase 340.PBP and 150.PBP by the root if you want, no longer will be used more.

Nevertheless, it leaves 371.PBP, since it will be used by unbricker.

- You already have list memory stick of universal Pandora to desbrickear psp fat and psp slim.

Single you have left the battery, to transform a normal battery into a battery of Pandora, uses

the C+D tool if your firmware supports kernel 1,50, or uses the tool of cory149 in

opposite case.

The created battery and memory stick will work in any present PSP.


Process of desbriqueo. The menu has four options (note: in psp slim will not see the menu)

- M33 Presses 3,71 X to install. In psp slim, due to the impossibility to draw in the screen

with kernel mixed of 1.50/3.40, the installation will be blind, but they will be used leds stops

to indicate activity to the user. Once pulsation X, you will see the LED orange ignite, that means that this reading

update 371.PBP. Once finished, you will see leds both, the orange and the green one to move intermittently.

That does not mean that there is activity of wlan or memory stick, simply is done artificially by the program

in order to indicate activity.

In psp fat, once finished the process, will be requested to press X to extinguish the PSP to you. In psp

slim nevertheless will be extinguished automatically. It reinitiates, you will receive pantallazo blue, presses I circulate,

and you will already be in 3.71 M33.

- It presses Or to install 3,71 original. The rest of the process is like the one of the installation of 3,71 M33.

-] Presses [to dumpear nand to the file nand-dump.bin. Once finished the process, psp will be extinguished single.

- Nand-dump.bin Presses L+R+HOME+start to recover nand from the file

EYE: this process is dangerous and single no other thing must become in case of extreme emergency if works,

and ONLY using dump previously dumpeado of your PSP, you do not use the DUMP of another PSP.

On the contrary that the restaurador of nand of Pandora, that was a logical restaurador, this restaurador

he is physical: it will try to make an exact clone 100% of dump.

If dump of psp is not yours, you will have brick or one psp with idstorage corrupt, depending on firmware.

If at the moment of the restoration, your psp has some dańado block more than at the moment of the dumpeo,

also you could have brick, depending on which block has been dańado. It is why this single method

it is advised in cases of emergency or when utilizes dumps that you have done more or less recently.

Fat as in psp has been proven successfully as much in psp slim.

Delam na prekladu tohoto unbrickeru do cestiny. uz to mam temer hotovo. Takze pri unbrickovani, nebo flashi vaseho psp na 3.71/3.71-m33 budete mit vse hezky cesky :) Pokusim se dodelat to behem dneska.

zbytecne.. asi jsi nezkoukl muj easy instalator, ktery popisuji vyse ;) tam uz vsechno cesky je.. takze si muzes usetrit praci ;) ale chapu ze se chces pochlubit na psp.novinky.org ;) - no flame, nic proti ..


samozrejme ze to neni zadna valka hehe, jen se divim proc delat zbytecnou praci .) pokud jsi prelozil i menu pandorky tak ok, ale na co? navody jsou vsude a Kazdy rozezna za kdyzz je tam X blabla 3.71m33 .. tak to asi installne 3.71m33 hehe a pokud nekdo neumi ani tech 5 slovicek co tam je, tak nema u pc/psp/pandory co delat. ;) jen tak jsem to myslel nic vic

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