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OpenVPN / Double VPN Service Affiliate Program


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Announces the launch of a three-tiered affiliate program, which may be of interest to everyone who has something to do with the services of a maximum of anonymity and security on the Internet.

We offer the following services:

1. Bypass provider lock for applications such as Skype, VOIP

2. Full anonymity by hiding your real IP.

3. Unlike a proxy, you get a secure connection for all programs that you use (for example, ICQ, e-mail, FTP, news and anything that uses an Internet connection).

4. Anonymous Internet surfing.

5. Bypass geographical blocks from certain websites.

6. Protection against your ISP.

7. Secure exchange files and messages of any level of privacy (without the possibility to calculate the fact that compound.

8. Maximum protection against sniffing and your personal information.

9. Obtaining a reliable connection with the use of public access points, Wi-Fi.

More information about us, services and prices - on our website http://in-disguise.com

Features affiliate programs:

1. Referral Program: anyone who register with us to affiliate provides 3-tier system, receiving 25%, 10%, 1%, respectively.

2. Payments each week.

4. Long-term perspective.

Register in affiliate program: http://vpnincome.com

This affiliate program is private and access to it can be turned to a support (Icq: 451-196-248) or write to us at the email valeriya_st@yahoo.com

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