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IGN wanted to give MGS4 11/10!

The review team over at IGN have said they would have given MGS 4 11/10 if they could. The game received a perfect 10/10 score on its presentation, graphics, sound, gameplay and lasting appeal. Is it possible to give a game an 11? If so, this would be the game that would merit that score. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a title that exceeds all of the hype that was attached to the title. Regardless of whether you've seen every trailer and screenshot, read every preview and heard every interview, you won't get a full sense of how phenomenal this title is unless you sit down and experience it for yourself


nez budu mit tuhle hru, chtel bych se ujistit, ze mi nebude neco chybet, kdyz jsem nehral minuly dily..vadi ze jsem je nehral ? jako aby mi neco podstatneho v te hre nebylo jasné

Už se tu o tom mluvilo, jestli jsi nehrál předchozí díly, tak z toho příběhu za prvé nepochopíš ani 1/2 a za druhé si tu hru vůbec neužiješ

PS. Crying Wolf je vyřízenej

Woozzi: Metal Gear je Gekko, ten se ve čtyřce objevil poprvé a je sériově vyráběn. Crying Wolf a ostatní jsou členy skupiny Beauty and the Beast.

HH :D To jsi to vzal hopem...Metal gear mozna je Gekko, ale to je jen miniatura skutecneho Metal geara. V prvnim dile serie se vyskytl Metal gear Rex (PS1) dalsi Metal gear byl jeste v dilech pro NES/SNES systemy, ale jmeno nevim, Dalsi odnoz Metal geara je Metal gear Ray(Novejsi a silnejsi) a tusim ze jsou jeste dalsi 2 typy, ale ted si fakt nevzpomenu.


Seznam Metal gearu:

Metal Gear TX-55

Metal Gear D

Metal Gear REX

Metal Gear RAY

Arsenal Gear

Metal Gear RAXA


Metal Gear Mk. II

Metal Gear Mk. III

Metal Gear GANDER

Metal Gear KODOQUE

Chaioth Ha Qades

Zdroj: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_Gear_(weapon)#Metal_Gear_D

a neznate nejakou dobrou stranku, kde jsou vsechny dily MGS dobře popsané? já jsem jich našel hodně, ale nikde nebyl příběh popsán dost kvalitně....už se teda tesim az vyjde MGS1 na PSN

Neco takoveho se snazim udelat a vystriknout pod taktovku metalgearsolid.cz, pripadne nejakeho vlastniho projektu...

MGS1 ma dokument "In the Darkness of Shadow Moses", ktery je absolutnim canonem.

Na MGS necekej na PSN, jestli mas v PSP a v nem CFW, tak muzes, stejne jako to delam ja (a miluju to) hrat MGS1. Od vcerejska dokonce hraju i VR Missions. Paradni hudba, paradni zazitek, paradni vzpominky.


Docela dobry boost prodeje PS3. ^^

Nearly 500,000 for Metal Gear Solid 4 in Japan

Best selling PS3 title in Japan after just one week of sales.

by John Tanaka

June 17, 2008 - Metal Gear Solid 4 broke records in its first week of sales in Japan, quickly becoming the best selling PS3 title yet over there.

Famitsu.com reports that the game sold 476,334 units over its first few days of release. This figure is split across all variations of the game, including the standard edition, the special edition, and the two hardware bundles.

MGS4 caused quite the boost for PlayStation 3 hardware sales. While the system was struggling to reach 10,000 units in a given week, MGS4 caused a sales spike to 77,208 units.

The site sourced data from parent company Enterbrain, whose latest tracking data includes the first four days of the game's release, from June 12 to June 15.

Z www.ign.com .

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