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Když o tom přemýšlím po delším hraním... Jako Forzu 6 bych ohodnotil jako vynikající závodní titul (asi jeden z nejlepších, co jsem kdy hrál). Největší posun vidím v závodech v dešti, které jsou ještě lepší než v GT6 a project cars. Také bych kladně ohodnotil okolí tratě, více to žije. Se statickým nastavením tratí problém nemám - ba naopak to vítám. Velký plus je trať v Praze. Graficky je hra o 20% lepší než bych si kdy přál. Přesto bych do budoucna si přál především více licencí na závodní auta... (třeba formule velké ceny je tam jenom jedna...) asi i by neškodilo více tratí. Kdybych měl hru hodnotit dal bych 98% zpracování tratí, 99% zpracování aut, 70% licence na tratě a auta, 97% jízdní model, 100% zábavnost. Celkově 92%


V Team Sakal Photo Contest

Long time Forza fan V Team SAKAL recently held a photo contest for fans of all Forza games. The results were some stunning bits of Forzatography shared here in this collage of selected images. If you are looking for a place to view and share your photos, give V Team SAKAL’s page a like and check it out.


Selected photos from V Team Sakal’s latest photo contest

The Story Behind the Photo

Every week the Forza community delivers amazing photos of all kinds. Fortunately for me, I am one of the judges of the weekly photo contests along with a bunch of others here at Turn 10. Last week, when I saw this photo, that I later found out was from BadRiver, I had to reach out to find out more about what went into its making. If you guys like this feature I may continue it in future RVM’s.

“Forza Motorsports 6 has so many fun things to do, I’m always busy trying to do everything possible.” Perfectly said BadRiver. This photo was somewhat of a random opportunity that presented itself in a last ditch effort to get a viable contest entry in on time.


Forza Motorsport 6 weekly community photo contest winner from BadRiver


If you’re a Forza Motorsport 6 VIP member you’ll also be receiving a 2016 Ford Shelby GT350R, featuring a militaristic Master Chief theme and a cool 343-inspired number plate. Naturally VIPs will also be receiving the Locke Mustang as well; what better way to #HuntTheTruth in Forza 6, then putting both cars on the track and seeing which one comes out on top.




The 2015 Nissan #23 GT-R LM NISMO, coming to all Forza Motorsport 6 players with the November content update.

November Content Update


· Fixed an issue where pop-up headlights on equipped cars would inadvertently engage automatically in Forzavista. In addition, fixed an issue where headlights pins in Forzavista would not function correctly for cars with pop-up headlights.

· Fixed an issue where electric cars did not burn battery with Fuel/Tire Wear Difficulty set to “simulation”

· Various fixes and improvements on a number of cars in the game


· LIME ROCK – Fixed an issue where cars entering the pits at high speeds would not have damage fixed during the pit stop

· NÜRBURGRING – Fixed an issue where cars could leave the environment after colliding with a barrier on the first turn of the Nürburgring + GP ribbon


· Corrected/updated engine audio on a number of cars in the game

· We’ve made some changes in the various available audio mix presets in the game. For example, the “Headphones” setting has been adjusted to make the player’s car more audible in the mix. This mix will work with all playback devices and is recommended for those who prefer to have their car audio more prevalent in the mix.


· Server enhancements to improve matchmaking performance. These enhancements should result in improved multiplayer connections, especially for the small population of Forza 6 players who were previously having trouble connecting to multiplayer in the game.

· We’ve made a change to address an issue where players could hold a multiplayer lobby open for an indefinite amount of time by not finishing a race. As a result of this change, players can no longer sit idle in League races and accrue points. In addition, players who are inactive for a certain period of time in a race will be removed.

· Fixed an issue where lobby hosts in an Xbox Live party would inadvertently stop waiting for players in his/her party after matching into a public lobby game, backing out, and then making a private multiplayer game

· Fixed an issue where MP lobbies with roll-off delay were preventing the rear view mirror from appearing for players


· Non-performance enhancing Mods will not set dirty lap times

· Using a Mod that forces sim damage on in a race will now result in Drivatar cars also taking sim damage

· Crew Chief Mods can no longer be sold


· Fixed an issue where players could unlock and share locked liveries by altering the livery in ForzaVista and then entering the Test Drive section of the game

· Fixed an issue where tunes were inadvertently prevented from being shared due to language filter bug


· Fixed an issue in replays, where telemetry for Drivatar cars was showing “stock,” even if the car was upgraded

· Fixed an issue where Drivatars would be duplicated in a multiplayer lobby

Free Car: 2015 Nissan #23 GT-R LM NISMO

When Nissan management told its chief designer Ben Bowlby not make an “Audi copy” in the company’s run-up to LeMans, he took the instructions to heart. The GT-R LM NISMO is nothing like the Audi LeMans Prototypes. In fact, the GT-R LM is unlike anything ever built for the track. For starters, the engine is in front of the cockpit, a design not seen in more than 10 years. Furthermore, that engine powers the front wheels. The rear wheels receive power through a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS). With well over 1,000 hp between the combustion engine and KERS, the GT-R LM has the power to compete. In the true essence of prototypes, it is a highly experimental design. Success in the 2015 World Endurance Championship and 24 Hours of Le Mans eluded the team, but Nissan’s racing development program continues to push the envelope on this intriguing design. Find out for yourself if the concept is viable on the track in Forza 6.

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