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Dark-Alex's TimeMachine - 1.50 Kernel pro Slim PSP !!! *UPDATE*

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Dark AleX's Time Machine: Install 1.50 kernel on your PSP Slim

Sony PlayStation Portable homebrew developer Dark AleX has certainly contributed a lot to the handheld homebrew scene, and his latest project is certainly looking to be quite the contribution indeed. Introducing the Time Machine, a handy app that installs the 1.50 kernel onto your PSP Slim. Yes, that's what it does, and there's a video to prove it, too!

Of course, installing the 1.50 kernel onto your PSP Slim may not be the only thing it does, as Mathieulh has revealed that Time Machine is still a work in progress, and is not yet the final product. We're certainly curious ourselves as to what else Time Machine can do, but until we get more info about it, we'll just have to let this video of it in action tide us over. Enjoy!


shrnutí: konečně sme se dočkali...na release si však budeme muset ještě počkat :(


Dark AleX's Time Machine: firmware 2.70 working on PSP Slim

The Time Machine has been aptly named. The app was first revealed showing that it can install the 1.50 kernel on the PSP Slim. Now, Mathieulh has posted new pictures that show it can install Firmware 2.70 as well.

Brief PSP history check: Firmware 2.70 was released back in 2006 and was the firmware update that introduced Flash 6 support. The firmware made the development of flash games on the PSP possible.

This is only the second feat Time Machine has been shown to do and we're excited to see what else the program will be able to do once it's finished. We'll keep you posted on updates. Here are the pics:



nj, ale stejne to neni tak luxusni jak 1.50 addon.. protoze bud - budete muset mit proste 1.50 na slimovi.. tudiz budete mit jen 1.50 kernel a budete muset loadovat hry jak za stara pres DevHook/MPH apod.. Anebo to je neco jako devhook, proste to budete muset emulovat.. kazdopadne to nebude tak super jako to mame my fatkari, ze muzeme spustit 1.50, vypnout a hned 3.xx, vy budete muset v lepsim pripade prebootovavat mezi 1.50/3.xx FW :)

ale je to nice pokrok.. taky jsem to necekal - ale vsimnete si jak se gameboot nejake kur*i :) takovy ty cary.. takze to asi slima porad nemiluje..

Dark AleX's Time Machine: firmware 2.70 working on PSP Slim

The Time Machine has been aptly named. The app was first revealed showing that it can install the 1.50 kernel on the PSP Slim. Now, Mathieulh has posted new pictures that show it can install Firmware 2.70 as well.

Brief PSP history check: Firmware 2.70 was released back in 2006 and was the firmware update that introduced Flash 6 support. The firmware made the development of flash games on the PSP possible.

This is only the second feat Time Machine has been shown to do and we're excited to see what else the program will be able to do once it's finished. We'll keep you posted on updates. Here are the pics:


to by mu sony podekovala:-D ona vytvori konzoli s FW, oni to flashujou, a nakonec si vytvori vlastni:-D takhle parazitovat na sony:-D

On z toho nic nemá, tak jaképak parazitování. ;)

Nakonec ten slavný Dark_Alex bude beztak nějaký zaměstnanec Sony, který se jen stará o to, aby se o PSP hodně mluvilo. :) Můj názor. Podle mě by takhle snadno FW nedekryptoval/nevytvářel, pokud by k tomu neměl nástroje přímo od výroby.

On z toho nic nemá, tak jaképak parazitování. ;)

Nakonec ten slavný Dark_Alex bude beztak nějaký zaměstnanec Sony, který se jen stará o to, aby se o PSP hodně mluvilo. :) Můj názor. Podle mě by takhle snadno FW nedekryptoval/nevytvářel, pokud by k tomu neměl nástroje přímo od výroby.

no to bude tím že DaX dělal u firmy, která dělala pro Sony FW :)

a že z toho nic nemá ? ten už z těch darů co dostal přes Paypal je dávno za vodou ;)

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