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Homebrew developer NameTaken33 has updated uPSP Beta, turning it into uPSP v2.0, moving some of the old features around as well as adding some new ones into the mix. For those who haven't heard of uPSP, it's essentially a remote control for your PC's uTorrent that is specially made to fit the PSP's web browser.

Below is the changelog for the web-based application. If you'd like to figure out how to use the application, we suggest you visit the forum link, which has installation instructions and the URL you can use with your PSP to access uPSP v2.0. Enjoy!


uPSP Login

* Just did some remodeling. The foxUSB icon is now the submit button.

Main User Interface Page

* Added the ability to view torrent details without opening a new page

* Added a download progress bar

* Added the ability to see your torrent size

* Added the ability to see how much you have downloaded for a torrent

* Added the ability to see your download rate

* Added the ability to see your upload rate

* Added the ability to see your ETA

* Added the ability to see the peers for a torrent

* Added the ability to see the seeds for a torrent

* Removed the foxUSB background icon

* Removed the ability to see your download percentage

* Changed the GUI around to better fit the PSP

* Changed the automatic refresh to 10 seconds

Torrent Details Page

* Added the ability to force start torrents

* Added the ability to force recheck torrents

* Added the ability to remove torrents

* Added the ability to delete torrents

* Removed the ability to see your torrent size

* Removed the ability to see how much you have downloaded for a torrent

* Removed the ability to see your download rate

* Removed the ability to see your upload rate

* Removed the ability to see your ETA

* Removed the ability to see the peers for a torrent

* Removed the ability to see the seeds for a torrent

* Removed the top bar image along with uPSP title

* Removed the foxUSB background icon

* Removed the refresh rate

* Removed two unnecessary tables within coding

* Removed the ability to see your upload rate

Bug Fixes

* Fixed an issue with the download & upload ratio. It would always report .500 as a share ratio. This has been fixed and will report your share ratio properly. Now poor torrent users will feel guiltier when not seeding to at least .500 or 48 hours.


How to Install

1. Download and install uTorrent (no need to download and install the webUI)

2. Enable the web UI in the preferences

3. Make sure you have your IP and that your port is opened

4. Point your PSP browser to: https://fisher.globat.com/~nametaken.org/

5. Make note that it is https and not http

6. Login using your credentials

7. Once logged in, you can bookmark the page so that you don't have to ever log in again.


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