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According to documents sent to the FCC on February 14th, it appears as though Sony is attempting to change the specifications of the PSP. The company is requesting a change for "AK8PSP2001." That looks like the PSP-2000 series to us. The document states that "we change parts other than a wireless module. This is not to cause any modification to the mentioned electric characteristics and RF characteristics."

The other documents on the FCC site are rather unhelpful, as they demonstrate the various radio capabilities of the PSP. What changes will be made to the PSP are unclear at the moment, but we'd postulate that these are simple cost-reducing measures, and is not indicative of a new PSP series. Why? Sony would most likely file a new model number altogether in that regard.

We doubt Sony will give specifics regarding this situation, but stay tuned for any new developments.

Sony dokumenty ohledně nového PSP https://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/ViewExhibitReport.cfm?mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=240622&fcc_id=%27AK8PSP2001%27


Bude to PSP Slim jen s novými součástkami (základní deska, Wi-Fi modul, ... )

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