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Sony to launch Skype via PSP in Japan this month

2 days ago

TOKYO (AFP) — Sony said on Tuesday it will add the Skype telephone service to its slim PlayStation Portable handheld console in Japan this month, enabling users to make free or low-cost telephone calls.

Sony will start selling microphones for the PSP-2000 in the Japanese market on March 19 as part of its efforts to broaden the appeal of its video game consoles amid fierce competition with rival Nintendo.

After a system software update planned for March 18, PSP users will be able to chat for free to other Skype users and, for a charge, call landlines and mobile phones anywhere in the world, Sony's game unit said in a statement.

The service was started for the PSP in Europe and the United States in January but Sony was forced to delay the launch in Japan because the microphones did not meet the Skype specifications.

Skype, which was bought by eBay in October of 2004, uses a peer-to-peer (P2P) network to enable users to make free Internet telephone calls to one another through their computers.

Users can also use the service to call landlines or mobile phones at low rates.


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bude to 4.00 to se ví už dlouho..bulk už zde psal co bude nového

Našel sem nejakeé informace o FW 4.00, ale nevím zda sou pravdivé. Ale doufám, že sou :D

Datum vydání 18. brezen

  • PLAYSTATION 3 Network titles can be played under PSP [Remote Play] under Game. The PSP is then used as a monitor for any game playable in Playstation 3 game console.

  • Real, Quicktime, and WMV audio and video codecs are now supported. Real, Quicktime, and WMV audio and video codecs are now supported.

  • PSP web browser has been updated to allow compatibility with current websites.
  • [Adobe Flash Player 9] has been added as a feature, using the Memory Stick Pro Duo as flash memory.



Ale jak tak koukám, tak to není vše :D


  • PLAYSTATION 3 Network titles can be played under PSP [Remote Play] under Game. The PSP is then used as a monitor for any game playable in Playstation 3 game console.


  • Real, Quicktime, and WMV audio and video codecs are now supported.
  • [shockwave Player] has been added as a feature.
  • PSP web browser has been updated to allow compatibility with current websites.
  • [Adobe Flash Player 9] has been added as a feature, using the Memory Stick Pro Duo as flash memory.
  • [Remote Play] has been improved by the PS3 outputting 1080p to the PSP with larger icons text and better video quality. Remote Play now transmits at 11 mbps per sec.
  • 802.11g support has been added as a feature.
  • PSOne games can now be downloaded without a PS3
  • Level 6 has been added to rate in Sony LocationFree Player to improve picture quality in H.264
  • - [Auto Connect] has been added as a feature


  • More visuals has been added as a feature.


  • Real, QuickTime, and WMV audio and video codecs are now supported.
  • RSS [Video Streaming] has been added as a feature.
  • has been added as a feature.
  • Recording has been added as a feature under Audio and Video RSS Streaming.


  • Copy, Command, Paste, Auto Complete, and Advanced Cookie Management has been added as a feature.


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(to by davalo smysl, amici ho jeste nemaj, cili by se jednalo o US changelog)

* [Date & Time] menu has been added [Date & Time] menu has been added

* [Organizer] has been added as a feature under [Date & Time]

* Danish and Norsk languages have been added Danish and Norsk languages have been added

* The ability to customize the volume bar and battery meter under [Theme Settings] have been added

* The ability to create and edit playlists under [Photo] and [Music] have been added

jestli tohle neni jen nejakej FAKE a nebo zbozny prani majitelu PSP tak je to opravdu BOMBA!!!!!

jestli opravdu tohle vsechno co je tu napsany udelaj tak se splnili vsechny moje prani a budu jen doufat ze takovej stejnej update firmware udelaj i pro PS3 pac tam je ten internet browser taky katastrofalni.....

Dneska vyšel novej FW na PS3 ,kterej přináší minimální změny :(

Uz si to psal na chat, a rikali sme ti, ze vysel uz vcera.

@ Heksa: Mne prijde dobrej. Jdou tam plynule flashe a pracovat se s nim da. Ze chybi klavesnice a mys, s tim se nic delat neda, ale jinak je ok.

klavesnice a mys - staci jakakoliv USB a funguje stejne jako na PC (krome toho ze tam nejde nastavic CZ klavesnice. To ze vysel vcera to nevim ,vecer sem prijel z dovoleny .. Z chatu sem vypadnul takze nevim ze ste me to napsali

to sk8boarder: nejdriv by ale musel vyjit ten ofiko fw 4.00 vis ? :dozey:


mazec, uz se tesim, doufam ze to nebude prelomove take v zabezpeceni.. aby to DAXovi netrvalo dlouho..

BTW DAX nic nerikal o tom, ze by skoncil, ale rikal, ze nebude delat kazdej zbytecnej FW, jako tomu je v pripade 3.51 M33.. 3.51 M33 - 2 .. 3.52 M33 - 5 .. apod.. proste hory updatu, zbytecnych, a kazdej zbytecnej FW crackovat -> to uz delat nebude..

Toto téma je nyní uzavřeno, a proto není možné odpovídat.

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