tekken90 Odesláno Květen 18, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 18, 2008 Debug fimrware running on a retail PS3 unit A gamer has managed to figure out a way to get PS3 debug firmware running on a retail console (claims he has tested on an 80GB and 40GB machine). It seems as if it is possible to update a higher retail firmware which restores the Blu-ray movie functionality. although some options seem t o be missing such as Media server options. Although it is possible to get the missing features back by putting the original HDD back in the PS3 and reformat it. However, this is all very risky stuff, so don't try it at home just yet! Upon following the instructions your retail PS3 console will update to a partial Debug/Test console. Partial is stated because upon doing it the PS3 will possess what is pictured below, specifically non-functioning Debug options. Debug PKG files won't install, port 1000 is open but you can't connect to it, and the PS3 no longer plays Blu-ray movies. Additionally, the Sony SELF Check disc does not show under game while inserted, however it shows under the other menus as only a "Data Disc" like all burned discs do on retail (not Debug/Test) PS3 consoles. The good news is it's possible to update to a higher retail Firmware which restores the Blu-ray movie playback functionality, however, the bad news is some options seem to be missing in action initially.. for example, the resident PS3 Dev who tried this no longer has the Search for Media Servers options under Music and Video that should be there. Upon further experimentation though, it was found that if you put the original HDD back in the PS3 and reformat it, your streaming options will come back again- nice indeed! Finally, another resident PS3 Dev (who has an Infectus installed) plans to try a retail PS3 Firmware downgrade using this "HDD Swap" method, however, he doesn't advise anyone without an Infectus trying it as there is always the chance it will allow it (as it does the Debug Firmware) but brick the PS3 console in doing so. News Source: PS3news (be careful, viruses, trojans and all sorts potentially await you at this site) ------------------------------ edit: co sem teď pročet nějaký info na psnews tak na tom debug FW jde vše jako na normálním a funkce debug FW jsou nějakým způsobem (nejspíš HW) blokovány jde nainstalovat 1.80 a 2.15 debug s podmínkou že máte max FW 2.01 a musíte mít dva HDD stejné velikosti Citovat
lomax Odesláno Květen 18, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 18, 2008 Sorry za blbou otazku, ale k cemu by to bylo dobry? Citovat
tekken90 Odesláno Květen 18, 2008 Autor Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 18, 2008 na Debug FW jdou pálený hry a další věci ;)....ale ještě se neví co přesně jde na konzoly co si můžeš koupit .... ale např u toho 1.80 debug by měl jít DG Citovat
lomax Odesláno Květen 19, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 19, 2008 Jo takhle, tak to jo ;o))) Diky za info Citovat
Lomykar Odesláno Květen 19, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 19, 2008 Já pevně doufám, že snad nějak bude možnost hrát Ps2 hry na 40 Gb Ps3kách Citovat
fraj Odesláno Květen 19, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 19, 2008 Já pevně doufám, že snad nějak bude možnost hrát Ps2 hry na 40 Gb Ps3kách Pochybuju - to je hardwarová záležitost ;) Citovat
Mr Crazy Odesláno Květen 21, 2008 Nahlásit Odesláno Květen 21, 2008 Pochybuju - to je hardwarová záležitost ;)Nevim, jak to presne je, ale nekdo tady tvrdil, ze aspon u evropskych verzi je to reseno jen firmwarovou blokaci a hardwarove ze jen u US verzi...? Citovat
kulis Odesláno Červen 4, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Červen 4, 2009 Nejake nove zpravy? Uz je to tu skoro pres rok mrtvy......... a druhy topic je mrtvy pul roku a to tam psali ze by to mohlo byt brzo po japonskym ps3. Citovat
D@w3r Odesláno Červen 7, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Červen 7, 2009 koukni na www.haxnetwork.net jsou tam nějaký novinky jinak nic moc se novýho neděje :( tady k tomu debug fw: Well, it's not actually an E3 post but if Sony held an E3 for PS3 Devs they may have offered these, right? Today two very nice guys (Garfield and another, whose nickname we will add if he wishes) have shared PS3 Debug/Test Firmware 2.76 and 2.60 with the resident PS3 Devs here- THANKS guys!!! Unlike many PS3 Firmware updates that block access to certain folders and directories in dev_flash, 2.76 allows full read access to dev_flash, so you can access the PS1 and PS2 emu files, as well as all of the system sprx's, some self's, xml's and rco's. We don't yet have the official 2.76 changelog, but below are some changes (excluding all the bugfixes) from 2.6: [New Feature] • HDD boot games and game data can now be deleted from the system software menu that appears when the PS button is pressed during the game. However, data currently in use by the game is, as before, not deletable. [specification Change] • The keyboard function keys F17 - F24 are now reserved for the system. Thus, it will no longer be possible for the game to retrieve data from these keys. original post http://www.ps3news.com/PS3-Dev/e3-2009-ps3-debug-firmware-2-76-and-2-60-leaked/ Citovat
Scorpio Odesláno Červenec 6, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Červenec 6, 2009 Nemohli byste to nekdo upnout nekam nejde mi z ps3 news sosat a nevim jaky bych psal prispevky aby mi to zapli Citovat
asterix13 Odesláno Září 19, 2009 Nahlásit Odesláno Září 19, 2009 jak se tak divam tak flash ps3 asik nikdy nebude no co mi zbyva kupovat si hry :D nevite prosim nekdo jestli se aspon na tom pracuje nak ? dik Citovat
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