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FW 2.36, 2.40, 2.41, 2.42, 2.43 - obecná diskuse

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FW 2.43



PS3 FW 2.43 (optional) and Life with Playstation Released?!

Sony has rolled out with a odd firmware update today. Firmware v2.43 seems to be optional to US/EU PS3's but mandatory for Japan PS3 units. Though this firmware update is not required, US and EU owners can still update their PS3 via "System Update' in XMB. The new firmware is rumored to bring PSN Store functionality to the Japanese PSN store.

In further news there are rumors that Sony has slipped in the release of the anticipated Life with Playstation. To download this you have to go to Folding@Home, and you will be prompted with a update, download the update and F@H should become Life with Playstation. It is confirmed if you need FW 2.43 or not. Some screen shots below:





Firmware (v2.36) coming soon, (v2.40) to include trophies, in-game XMB

Posted by Eric Lempel // Director, PlayStation Network Operations

A new PLAYSTATION 3 firmware update (v2.36) will be launching soon, improving system stability when playing select PlayStation format software titles. We’re also happy to officially report that the 2.40 system software update for PS3 will include “XMB” access in-game. The update will also include “trophies,” an exciting new feature that we’ll be providing more details on soon, as well as some other new enhancements. We’ve talked about some of this on the blog previously and know that many of you can’t wait to get your hands on these features. You can expect us to share all of the official details shortly.


- bude opravovat stabilitu některých her


- konečně in-game XMB a trophies (něco ve stylu gamescore na xboxu)


- oprava chyby z 2.40 kdy se po instalaci nezaplo PS3 a byl nutný format HDD


- zvýšena podpora PS1 her

Official PS3 v2.40 announcement coming 30th, walthrough and screens next week

Consoul has posted at Neogaf that an Official announcement regarding PS3 firmware v2.40 will be made on the 30th. Moreover, the video walkthrough and official in-game XMB, profiles and trophy screens will also be out on Monday.

2.41 ke stáhnutí přes Networl Update

nebo tady http://alek.dark-alex.org/filez/ps3_fw/241.PUP

241.PUP přejmenujte na PSUPDAT.PUP a nahrajte na flashku atd. do PS3/UPDATE

marek_2080: upraven nazev topicu

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Nejvíc přispívající

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graficky se s tema trofejema moc nevycajchnovali

taky se mohli trochu snazit, takovy hnusny sedivy hranaty cosy

na to jakej maj peknej XMB a PS Store tak se to k tomu moc nehodi, peknej hnus

jinak XMB super, hodiny super, MP3 ve hre super

....ale co takhle konecne udelat browser kterej umi poradne otevirat stranky

nebo aby to pri stahovani / instalovani / kopirovani ukazovalo cas za jak dlouho to bude

aby videa meli kapitoly a navazovanni videa na video jako v PSP


Trophies video


PS3 Firmware v2.40 to be released July 2nd - in-game XMB and Trophies


June 30, 2008: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe today announced new online gaming functionality for PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™), which will become available on July 2, 2008 with the 2.40 enhancement, an automatic firmware upgrade that delivers several of the features most requested by gamers. Combined with PLAYSTATION®Network’s unique service of free* online gaming, the enhancement makes PS3 an even more attractive platform of choice for the online gamer.

Firstly, the 2.40 enhancement allows XMB™ (XrossMediaBar) access in-game. This means that you can access the PS3 menu at any time while playing most games, simply by tapping the PlayStation button on your controller. With 2.40, you can check if any of your friends are online (thanks to their own user profile), read and send messages, change some settings for games, all without having to quit the game you are playing. While you can’t pause an online multiplayer game involving other people, you can rejoin play at any time when you’ve finished browsing. Along with these enhanced communications features, the Friends list capacity will double to 100 Friends.

2.40 also delivers trophies to recognise players’ achievements in the online arena. Other competitive activities recognise winners with trophies – so why not gaming on PS3? Many online games will have gold, silver and bronze trophies – with platinum available for those who snag all three – all displayed on the XMB for everyone to see.

Super Stardust™ HD, a PLAYSTATION Network-exclusive released last year, will be the first game to leverage the Trophies system and will offer a variety of trophies**. The following first-party games are also slated to offer Trophy support:

• BUZZ!™ Quiz TV

• LittleBigPlanet™

• MotorStorm™ Pacific Rift

• NBA 09 - PS3

• PAIN**

• PixelJunk™ Eden

• Resistance 2™

• SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation

• Warhawk™**

The 2.40 enhancement is just one more reason to join PSN, the online network for PS3 users that lets you game online for free*. All you need to do to join is connect your PS3 to broadband and register, or go to the connection guide at www.eu.playstation.com to find out more.

Once in, you’ll find online matches and leagues for all of your favourite games – whether that’s MotorStorm™, Resistance™, Warhawk™ or Gran Turismo™5 Prologue – absolutely free (although users are responsible for paying their broadband fees) and at any time of the day or night. You’ll also find PLAYSTATION®Store, where you can download entire games as well as extra levels, content for your existing games plus internet browsing, video chat thanks to PLAYSTATION®Eye and much, much more.

There’s never been a better time to join PSN. Sign up now to make the most of the 2.40 firmware enhancement - see www.(website).com to find out more.

Trophies a datum vydání firmwaru 2.40

Jak Sony slíbila, tak splnila (celkem neobvyklé). Vydala druhou část prezentace firmwaru 2.40, která byla zaměřena na novou funkci Trophies. A o co že to půjde? Jak bylo už několikrát řečeno, Trophies je systém velmi podobného ražení jako má konkurence (Xbox360) v podobě achievementů. Trophies/Trofeje dostáváte za plnění různých úkolů ve hrách, jejich počet a hodnost poté můžete porovnávat s vašimi přáteli. Trofeje budou mít i různou hodnost nebo cennost, jak chcete. Budou bronzové, stříbrné, zlaté a platinové. Vy dostanete za splnění úkolu takovou trofej, jakým způsobem úkol splníte. Vše je lépe vysvětleno ve videu uvnitř novinky.

První hrou s podporou Trophies bude exkluzivní, asi nejlepší PSN hra, Super Stardust HD. Prvními kdo tento systém bude moci vyzkoušet budou ti, kteří si tuto hru stáhnou po vydání firmwaru 2.40, které je naplánováno na tuto středu 2.7. Pro ty, kteří už hru mají staženou bude vydán bezplatný patch. Dalšími hrami (od Sony), které se chystají na podporu Trophies jsou tyto: BUZZ! Quiz TV, LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm Pacific Rift, NBA 09, PAIN, PixelJunk Eden, Resistance 2, SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation, Warhawk.

Sony se tedy konečně rozhoupala, ve středu nám přinese in-game XMB, systém Trofejí, zvýšila počet možných přátel z 50 na 100 a kdo ví co ještě chystá.

zdroj: sony-playstation.cz


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IGN says Sony's trophy system will walk all over Xbox 360's achievements

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Some smaller PS3 firmware v2.4 features revealed

IGN notes that there a few nice additions to PS3 firmware v2.4 instead of just in-game XMB, custom soundtracks and trophies. They note a clock has been added in the upper right corner of the screen and a quick google search option has been added to the XMB just like on the PSP. Read more about how the latest firmware works and in particular the big features here.


Playstation 2 hry na PS Store

Ve středu vyjde konečně očekávaný FW 2.40, ale jak se zdá, novinek bude více. Sony se nepodařilo ututlat, že připravuje na PS Store prodávat Playstation 2 hry. Na internetu se tak objevil obrázek, který ukazuje první várku PS2 her, které budou ke stažení na PS Store. Není překvapením, že první hrou bude Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Mezi další hry budou patřit SSX a nebo Red Faction. Ceny nejsou zatím pevně stanoveny, ale dá se očekávat cena kolem 500,-. S touto zprávou souvisí i další. Jak jistě víte, 40GB verze PS3 nemá zpětnou kompatibilitu PS2 her. Zdá se tak, že softwarovou emulaci přinese buď FW 2.40, nebo další v den uvedení PS2 her.

zdroj: sony-playstation.cz


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