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  • 2 weeks later...

vyšel update 1.10 ..až budu vědět co obsahuje tak napíšu :D


The Client has been updated following the release of

"Expansion Pack 1". Updates include:

*New skills

*Greater mail inbox

*Creation of Clan rooms

*Minor bug fixes

The all new "Expansion pack 1" is packed with amazing new features guaramteed to give you a whole newexperience in MGO!!

Buy yours now at the MGO Shop!!

*The update does not include "Expansion Pack 1" itself

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

oficiálně ohlášen nový pack pro MGO

- dvě nové postavy

- 3 nové mapy

Metal Gear Online's second expansion includes 3 new maps, 2 new characters

Konami today announced the second Metal Gear Online expansion pack MEME Expansion -- will be available for download later this year. Soon to be available through the Metal Gear Online shop, MEME Expansion will contain a vast amount of new content including 3 new maps, 2 new playable special characters(Liquid Ocelot and Mei Ling), new skills, tournament lobby and more.

Press Release:

Konami Announces Metal Gear Online's Second Expansion Pack

MEME Expansion is coming later this year.

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today announced the second Metal Gear Online expansion pack MEME Expansion -- will be available for download later this year. Soon to be available through the Metal Gear Online shop, MEME Expansion will contain a vast amount of new content including new maps, special characters, new skills, tournament lobby and more.

Please find below further details on the new content in the expansion pack:

* 3 New Maps

* Silo Sunset - One of the most popular stages in the handheld Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops has been renewed for the world of Metal Gear Online.

* Forest Firefight - Taken from Metal Gear Solid 3, this dense jungle gives players a new tense atmosphere with plenty of camouflage options.

* Winter Warehouse - An original stage created for Metal Gear Online, players will have to search for suitable cover, in and around, this dilapidated factory blanketed in snow.

* 2 New Special Characters

* Liquid Ocelot and Mei Ling

* Additional Rules and Settings - These can be selected without purchasing the second expansion pack

* Avatar Parts - Players can adorn their avatar with new accessories.


The Metal Gear Online World Championship 2008 is taking place at Tokyo Game Show this October. The MGOWC08 will pit the best players in North America, Europe, Japan, Korea and Greater Asia against each other in a spectacular live tournament on the TGS show floor on October 11th, 2008. The top two teams from Regional Championships in all territories have received all expenses paid trips to the MGOWC08 Finals.


Metal Gear Online is the ultimate squad based, tactical shooter based on the Metal Gear Solid® Universe. Players can immerse themselves in this next gen multiplayer experience with various maps, game play type and weapons to choose from. Create your own character or take on the role of your favorite Metal Gear Solid character. Experience the next chapter in the Metal Gear Saga. For the latest information, please visit www.konami.jp/mgo.


Možná blbý dotaz, ale přece: po pár týdnech jsem si zapnul MGS 4, spustím Metal Gear Online a ouha, nejede to. Vidím jen černou obrazovku, vpravo dole nápis METAL GEAR ONLINE a toť vše. Po nějaké době se vlevo nahoře objeví blikající CD / otazník. Snad mi to nechce říct, že mám problém s nosičem hry. Nevíte někdo co s tím (nebo alespoň co to je za problém...)

  • 1 month later...

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