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Monster Hunter 3 na PSP ?????????????????

Frozen Bee


hele,co to znamena,neumim tak dobře anglicky.....

In it’s latest issue, Famitsu talk to Capcom’s publicity department about Monster Hunter 3 and the series’ future on PSP. When asked about the possibility of publishing the numbered versions of the series on the PSP, the answer is not unexpected: “PSP portable series has an important position within the company“. I really hope this could happen but with Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G just announced, it will be a long wait before Capcom announce any further plans for the series on PSP. On to Monster Hunter 3 switching platform to the Wii, Capcom reps say the series could still come to the PS3 and would like to apologize to those who bought a PS3 expecting the title when it was announced last year. A look at the mag’s Most Wanted chart shows that MHP 2ndG is currently at 24th, MH3 for the PS3 has been removed but the Wii version is no where to be seen, though it should up there very soon.

Regardless, it’s obvious that the cats are busy cooking something for everyone, so in the mean time, I’m back to the wilderness of MHP 2nd. Click on the link below for the full text from IGN Insider.

Also in the news section is a tiny interview regarding the recent platform switch for Monster Hunter 3 from the PS3 to the Wii. Asked if it was possible that the Monster Hunter series would still come to the PS3, Capcom’s publicity department said that Capcom has a multiplatform strategy, so they cannot deny the possibility. Asked if numbered versions of the game could appear on the PSP, the response was that the PSP portable series has an important position within the company. Finally, Famitsu pointed out that some people may have purchased a PS3 once Monster Hunter 3 was announced last year. This drew a big apology from the Capcom reps, who said that PS3 owners should wait for further announcements in the series.

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