I have a newly bought PSP Slim but my "pandoras" won't work.
But it reads all my memory stick content on XMB...as i tried to save a game from UMD it works perfectly...music files eg .mp3 works fine.... video files eg .mp4 also do!
So my memory stick reader is fine i concluded... so what's keeping my Pandora not to work???
Curiosity strikes i open it upped!
hmnnn.. this looks new...
My first impression because the flex/ribbon were NOW tinted blue compared to its gray colored original...maybe a new production line..
But still a mystery why my any Pandora kit won't work.
..........maybe a new .ipl is needed to boot it up... the battery still puts it on the service mode / auto on!
I had removed TA-088 "new" CPU and put it on TA-085 mobo BUT STILL Pandora won't work!
So the culprit is not the Mobo...It is the NEW CPU!
hum... looks like they started changing syscon then, still the fact that you can provide us with the idstorage dump hashes of this psp fairly means that they the pandora still works (meaning that they still use the 0xFFFFFFFF serial batteries to trigger the service mode and that our forged block works just as well as it did on earlier models. This obviously means that they did not (or rather could not) change the cpu mask rom codes (they probably have a few thousands to use) The day they need a new batch of cpu is the day pandora stops working. (I hope not before the 03g model)
více info zde: http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=117432
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