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Tak to nevim,ale mě by spíš zajímalo jak se otevřou ty speciální postavy jako Darth vader a ještě jedna nějáká tam bude zbývá tam na ní místo

Darth Vader je jenom u PS3 (možná bude jako stažitelný obsah, ale kdo ví) ostatní uzamčené postavy si můžeš koupit v sekci Custom Creation (nebo tak nějak se to jmenuje) a Yodu by jsi měl mít u Xbox verze hnet od začátku.

EDIT: A k získání tajného Vaderova učedníka snad stačí jenom dohrát Arcade mode s Yodou.


Soul Gauge & Critical Finish

Soulcalibur IV will feature an all-new Critical Finish system. Next to players' Health Meters is a colored gem that represents the "Soul Gauge." Starting green, the meter will change to blue when attacking and change to red when guarding. When the gem is pure red, an opponent can do a strike that breaks off a part from the character's armor, altering their appearance and making him or her weaker for the remainder of the match. More damage is inflicted on the area of armor that was destroyed. There are also three green boxes below the gauges, reflecting the state of the characters' armor: high, mid, and low.

If the character manages to empty out the opponent's Soul Gauge again, he or she will get a short chance to perform a powerful Critical Finish move, which will defeat the opponent instantly, by pressing all four face buttons at the same time. Each character has his own personal Critical Finish move. Namco says that it developed the Soul Gauge to decrease the benefits from constant guarding, thus giving the game a faster tempo and making the matches more offensive


způsob jak si zahrát za Kratose z GOW :)

- nevim jestli to jde i na Xbox verzi ale na PS3 určitě

Want Kratos in Soul Calibur IV? Then make it happen


Ever dreamed of playing as Kratos in Soul Calibur IV? Well now's your chance to make it a reality. You'll need a whole lot of equipment to make it all happen, of which is detailed below.


So, here's a laundry list of what creation pieces you'll need as well as instruction on how to edit them. If you follow the directions carefully, you'll end up with a pretty decent Kratos look-a-like. Given the tool set, this is pretty much as close as you can get! We hope you enjoy creating and fighting with Kratos. Keep in mind, you'll have to unlock certain pieces of equipment, so don't be surprised if you can't find certain pieces. Just keep playing the game and complete "Battle Records" to gain more equipment.


Undergarments: Protective Tattoo

Arms: Asura Bracelets

Lower Body: Executioner's Belt

Legs: Executioner's Boots

Model Information

Physique: +40

Muscularity +50

Male Voice: 6 Pitch: -50

Hair: Nothing

Male Face: 18

Eyebrow: Color 1 -- 0:06,32

Eye Color: Color 1 -- 0:06,32

Skin Color: Color 1 -- 0:01,01

Base Equip: Color 1 -- 0:01,32


Style: Cervantes

Weapon: Phlegethon


Jasně to je jenom návod jak si ho udělat v editoru postav tzn můžeš si to udělat i na Xboxu i podle toho postavení je vidět, že má bojový styl Cervantese.

Co se týče rozdělení Yoda - Xbox / Vader - PS3

přijde mi to dobře rozdělený, když si vezemete, že lidem z Namco je jedno jak to rozvrhnou, tak prostě černýmu stationu dali Vadera a Xboxu, který má jako ikonu zelenou barvu přidělili Yodu.

Tekken: Fakt? Nevíš náhodou jak získat vadera na xboxu?

netušim jak ....

Hele sorry Tekku ale to je podle mě blbost pro Xbox Yoda, pro PS3 Vader pro oba Vaderův učedník.

ne, opravdu v Xbox verzi je i Vader...

100% Confirmed: Yoda and Vader on Soul Calibur IV retail disc

With a little help from the inside, we've figured out that VADER and YODA are both on the SOUL CALIBUR IV Xbox 360 retail disc. The content is actually on the disc straight from retail, so let's hope Namco Bandai don't charge to unlock these characters. Here's a video we created as proof and we're sure PS3 owners can experience the same fun, our lips are sealed for now however!

Soul Calibur Director is lying, we've already proved Vader and Yoda are on 360 together

When asked if there will ever be a time when Vader and Yoda will ever be on the same console in Soul Calibur IV, Katsutoshi Sasaki told MSXbox-World that "We don't have any plans for that". However, we have already proved and experienced otherwise, BOTH characters are on the Xbox 360 version retail disc and let's just hope that Namco Bandai don't try and charge to unlock them but you will all know how to get them yourselves before that time comes! Read our earlier scoop here and check out our recorded video below...


netušim jak ....

ne, opravdu v Xbox verzi je i Vader...

Tak to teda vážně nevěřícně zírám. Je možné, že ve hře Vader je ale spíš ho nepůjde odemknout jako hratelnou postavu (nebo spíše ne hnet až po odemknutí patchem z netu).

V tom achievementu je napsáno "utkej se s Yodou" a mám pocit, že takový achievement jsem dostal, když jsem s Yodou porazil Yodu v Arcade modu.


omg dá ti důkaz a furt budeš mlet svoje, řekl že je v x360 verzi a je tam tak už nad tím přestaň bádat a nebo se podívej na net

odemknutí hratelných postav

Algol Beat Story mode with a character that faces him as the last boss

Amy Purchase her in the Character Creation for 4000 gold

Angol Fear Defeat her in Story Mode

Ashlotte Defeat her in Story Mode

Cervantes Purchase him in the Character Creation for 4000 gold

Hong Yun-seong Purchase him in the Character Creation for 4000 gold

Kamikirimusi Defeat her in Story Mode

Lizardman Buy for 4000 gold

Rock Purchase him in the Character Creation for 4000 gold

Scheherazade Defeat her in Story Mode

Seong Mi Na Highlight and purchase for 4000 gold

Setsuka Highlight and purchase for 4000 gold

Shura Defeat her in Story Mode

Sophitia Purchase her in the Create a Soul mode for 4000 Gold.

Talim Buy her for 4000 gold in Character Creation mode.

The Apprentice Beat Arcade mode with Yoda

Yoshimitsu Highlight and purchase for 4000 gold

Zasalamel Buy him for 4000 gold in Character Creation mode.

takže Vader není zřejmě hratelná postava, ale ve hře je

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