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Dnes sem tak brouzdal po e-bay a hele co sem našel :D Skvělý dárek pro vaší holku :) :lol:

cena 20 babek :D

Check out the latest innovation in women's underwear, The C-String.

Say goodbye to unwanted panty lines and tan lines with C-String Invisible Underwear. No side straps, just simply slide into place and that's it. It fits your figure perfectly with a flexible internal frame that hugs and holds the C-String in place. The front of the C-String is like any normal thong like panty and the back is the thong strip without any side straps.

The C-String can be worn under any of your favorite jeans, dresses, or skirts. It can also be worn as beachwear so you may tan without any unwanted tan lines.





tady to máte :lol:

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