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Mě vyrazila dech 2. novinka .. :love:.ale jsou to zatím jenom spekulace ... takže berte s rezervou..jinak všechno ostatní je oficiálně od SE !


Spousta informací ohledně Final Fantasy

Akce Square Enixu DKS3713 je v plném proudu a přicházejí z ní vskutu zajímavé zprávy. Final Fantasy XIII bude v Japonsku vydáno příští rok. Následně vyšlo najevo, že demo by mělo vyjít pouze na PS3, přičemž by se mělo objevit společně s Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete. Tento filmeček by se přitom na trhu měl objevit v březu příštího roku. Následující informace se týkají Versus XIII. Ikdyž nebylo oznámeno žádné datum, SE ukázali nový trailer, který končil slovy: Playstation3 only Worldwide. Vydaní hry v EU a US tak nebude zaostávat za Japonskem. A aby toho nebylo málo, obě dvě hry se dočkaly prvních in-game záběrů. Bohužel zatím nejsou k dispozici.

Final Fantasy VII remake realitou!

O Final Fantasy VII se toho namluvilo v poslední době opravdu hodně. Všichni tak čekali na akci DKS3713, kterou pořádá Square Enix. No a několik hodin před spuštěním, se dostal na internet banner akce, který naznačuje pořádnou bombu. Na něm je napsáno záhadným písmem REMAKE 7. Nemusíte mít zrovna vysoké IQ, abyste odhalili, že jde o remake Final Fantasy VII. Banner akce naleznete v novince. Za 24 hodin budeme možná pořádně oslavovat nebo se mlátit do hlavy.



Final Fantasy Agito 13 a Parasite Eve 3 na PSP !

DKS3713: Final Fantasy Agito 13 and Parasite Eve 3 coming to PSP

And here rolls out the "surprises" from Square Enix. At their ongoing DKS3713 event, the publisher has announced that two mobile phone game titles from their famed franchise rosters will be joining the PSP club.

The first one is The 3rd Birthday, from the Paradise Eve franchise. Originally a mobile phone exclusive, this one headed to the PSP will NOT be a sequel, hence, "Parasite Eve" did not come attached to the title. If you'll remember, a rumor came out last year pertaining a Parasite Eve title for the next-gen in the works. Well, nothing came out of that, but this sure looks like this PSP rendezvous will be the closest we can get to that - for now, at least.

It also looks as if Parasite Eve lead character Aya Brea will be included, and that's what brought fans to refer to The 3rd Birthday as "Parasite Eve 3." While no other details have been revealed, we do know that it it set to release sometime next year, 2009.

On the other hand, the other ex-mobile phone exclusive is from the Final Fantasy franchise - much-talked about as it is already. This time, it's Final Fantasy Agito 13. Well, it's not even out on mobile, actually. In fact, it was only a couple of months back that it was rumored to have been canceled. Now we know better, though. But we're thinking with this announcement, it won't be far fetched if they decide to launch both versions at the same time. Or maybe not.

Again, details are sparse for this one, but as in The 3rd Birthday announcement - and for more DKS3713 announcements for that matter - we'll be sure to keep you posted on the dot.

Parasite Eve 3 oznámen

Square Enix na své akci oznámil třetí díl své série akčních adventur s RPG a hororovými prvky Parasite Eve. Trošinku překvapivě se hra nechystá pro Playstation 3 ani Xbox 360, ale pro přenosné PSP. To se ovšem dalo předpokládat, protože jisté náznaky tu již byly. Bohužel žádné informace zatím nevíme, ale můžeme slíbit, že jakmile se o hře něco dozvíme, dáme vám vědět.

Final Fantasy Dissidia a Kingdom Hearts pro PSP mají datum !

DKS3713: Kingdom Hearts titles and Dissidia: Final Fantasy release

Kingdom Hearts - Image 1Yes, there's more news coming your way from Square Enix' ongoing "private party", DKS3713. We're sure you were jolted alive by the first couple of news that streamed in (FF Agito 13 and Parasite Eve 3 on PSP, FF Versus XIII exclusivity), much like it felt as if we were fed with intravenous shots of caffeine here at QJ when we picked up on it.

More business just keeps coming, so let's get down to it, shall we? Okay, Square Enix has more announcements to make, and this time, they are release dates for their much-awaited titles for the DS, PSP and Mobile.

Here's the rundown:

* Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP) - December 2008

* Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS) - Winter 2008

* Kingdom Hearts Coded (Mobile) - Winter 2008

* Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP) - 2009

Trailer na Kingdom Hearts a oznámení PSP bundle FF Dissidia !

DKS3713: Kingdom Hearts trailer tidbits, Dissidia PSP bundle and additional characters confirmed

Sephiroth - Image 1Square Enix has announced more PSP love at their DKΣ3713 event today. After announcing the PSP versions of The 3rd Birthday and Final Fantasy Agito 13, the company has unveiled a Dissidia: Final Fantasy PSP bundle that'll come out in December 2008.

No word on what the bundle includes yet, but as a special treat for collectors, a new potion based on Dissidia: Final Fantasy will also be sold in Japan.

The event also confirmed the addition of Golbez, Exdeath, Kefka and Saphiroth to the game. All of these hard-hitting antagonists were present and accounted for in the new Dissidia trailer shown during DKΣ3713.

In other trailer news, a name has finally surfaced for the 14th member of Organization XIII: Xion. She'll be making her debut this winter in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. For the PSP side of things, Aqua in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is apparently voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi, who also voiced Elena in Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children.

Square Enix also announced a fashion collaboration with Japanese fashion brand Roen for Final Fantasy Versus 13. All of the characters in the game will be sporting Roen designs.

The DKΣ3713 will last until tomorrow, so keep checking back here for more details.



FF13 demo pouze na PS3

FFXIII demo coming to PS3, advantage over Xbox 360

Reports indicate that the PS3 will be receiving the FIRST FFXIII demo in the form of a bonus on the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children complete Blu-ray disc. Advent Children is scheduled for a release in Japan during March 2009 and it seems that the PS3 will be the only way to play the XIII demo unless a downloadable version hits the 360 at the same time.

Toto téma je nyní uzavřeno, a proto není možné odpovídat.
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